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ahwd - A sh alternative to lsusb and lspci

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Hi !

ahwd - Auto HardWare Detection

ahwd script has these features :
100% Safe - No "rm" command or other similar commands used.
Needs NO DEPENDENCIES - It has absolutely no dependencies. Needs only pci.ids and usb.ids files.
Doesn't need an internet connection - Yes.
Tiny - Only 5KB in size rather than 200s of KBs of usb-utils.tcz and pci utils.tcz .
Checks dmesg for files required - Dmesg may contains some logs which may show us required files to be loaded. And ahwd shows those.
Only 4 Command Line options - They are :
--pci-ids="Absolute path of pci.ids file(~ accepted)"
--usb-ids="Absolute path of usb.ids file(~ accepted)"
--pci="A PCI ID for which you want the Vendor and Product names(Format XXXX:XXXX)"
--usb="A USB ID for which you want the Vendor and Product names(Format XXXX:XXXX)"

Completely tested on TCL v11 x64.

How to use ahwd ?
Just get the script, download and
Keep these 3 in same dir and see the magic happen.

Output Format
It has 3 parts :
1. Some lines of dmesg which show possible files required for device to load.
2. Get the Vendor and Product Names of the PCI devices attached.
3. Get the Vendor and Product Names of the USB devices attached.

Thanks to :
TCL Team for creating such an amazing distro.
xor for this,24088.30.html thread.

Request :
Please also add this to the base TCL ISO.

even though I could not see myself as a complete team member with my lack of technical knowledge.

for true minimalism; Thank you for your help in the transition from abstract philosophy to concrete physical reality. :)

Hi !

@xor You are welcome.

I just want the TCL Team to test it and include it in the base Tiny Core ISO. I will also modify ahwd if needed.
I actually named it tchwd(Tiny Core HardWare Detection), insipred from Mhwd(Manjaro hardware detection) but I just didn't decide to that. Once it gets accepted into the base TCL, I will change its name. And also, its free for TCL Team to copyright it.

We appreciate the contribution, but I don't see this as useful in the base iso. If you check the sizes of those extensions, the very same ids files take the most.

Hi !

@curaga I think you are saying that this script is not very useful to the TCL as much as I thought. Do you have any suggestions so that it can be eligible enough to join the base ISO ?
Or is there any other area I can help you ?


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