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pi 400


i see the new Raspberry pi computer came out yesterday.

pi 400.

it is safe and simple to overclock it to 2.2ghz per core.....4 cores 64 bit...... because it has a very large heat sink.  (using 2 terminal commands)

i mean a "pi zero" computer is just 5 bucks and a 20 cents micro usb to usb adapter.....plugged into your laptop usb socket,,,,,and it's up and running.
(you need a micro sd card)
youtube vids show it.

but the new pi 400 is the same power as the pi 4.....but inside a computer housed keyboard
at $'s pricey but ....well
It supports  dual 4k monitors out of the box etc



sorry's more power than a regular pi 4....better chip

the future is bright :) unfortunatly not for every country. So we saw USA offer, now waiting to see China over it.

If you like using a cheap keyboard, then it might be for you.  You will likely need to replace the firmware on the boot partition of piCore12 to boot on a pi400.  The kernel should be fine.


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