Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs
Firefox_getLatest, missing dependency
I notice that the forum account for this script's author/maintainer, coreplayer2, shows that they haven't been "active" for over a year.
When the latest Firefox update came out, I decided to just modify the script myself and I'll attach that version. In addition to including libXt in the dependencies file, I also added the option to automatically download the latest ESR, or the latest Beta, release, using the command-line arguments "-e" and "-b" respectively. It all seems to work fine in my tests.
I could have a go at building a new firefox_getLatest.tcz when I get the time, if that's desireable, or someone else could. Or if that would be crowding in on someone else's turf, or otherwise upsetting tradition, then I'm not pushy about whether my modified version gets into the repo or not.
Since the original maintainer is not active, please go ahead and submit an updated extension.
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