Hello, I am trying to setup Picore-11.0beta2 to run a Python app on startup to interface with a 56 kilowatt motor controller. This OS seems amazing for the Rpi especially, and perfect for my needs. Incredible work!
After troubleshooting I got wifi autoconnect configured and python-3.8 to correctly install modules via pip3. I tried to copy some files to the Rpi using WinSCP as user 'tc' but get an error3: no root permissions. So I logged in as tc, used 'sudo passwd' to set a root password, but could not login as root user (I got 'incorrect password'). So I edited sshd_config, to uncomment/edit the '#PermitRootLogin' line to 'PermitRootLogin yes'... backed it up, rebooted, and now it recognizes the root user password I set.
However, every time I set a password I get these warnings, even for >12 char passwords with letters, numbers, and special characters:
Bad password: too weak
Bad password: too short.
And when I try to login as root, it says my password expired, and I must login again-- because of this I can never actually login, even with very long and complex passwords... I always get the bad password warning and have to reset and retry on login:
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for root
New password:
Any advice? I'm a Linux novice and only made it this far by scouring this forum.