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Author Topic: How to install and remove all extensions once time after upgrade the tiny core?  (Read 3053 times)

Offline gam

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After I upgrade tiny core 10 -> 11 and update extensions, some extensions were changed name (ex: dependency of nano.tcz 10.x is ncurses5.tcz; in 11.x is ncursesw.tcz and file.tcz. The openssl.tcz rename openssl-1.1.1.tcz). So how to remove and install them in once time instead of many times?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2021, 04:14:25 AM by amg »

Offline jazzbiker

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Hi, amg!

As I can understand from Your post, You upgraded distribution files (core, rootfs, vmlinuz, modules) but run them upon previous version's tce directory?

Offline gam

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when I do tce-update, I have some errors
Code: [Select]
Error Could not verify nano.tcz
Error Could not verify ncurses.tcz
Error Could not verify openssl.tcz
« Last Edit: April 27, 2021, 10:30:26 AM by amg »

Offline polikuo

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Hi, amg.

This is what I would do

Update all the deps, fetch the missing deps, then remove the old files.

I can't post code due to the server internal error, but "tce-audit" is what you're looking for.

Go search the forum for more instruction.

BTW, are you sure you want to remove nano.tcz ?

You can just keep it as it is.

Offline jazzbiker

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There are no ncurses for tc11, only ncursesw. No openssl,, only openssl-1.1.1. I guess nano has ncurses as the dependency, that's why it fails too.

When I want to load new TC version i don't delete the older one, I modify boot disk to make use of both or more versions, and I make separate tce directory for each version. Of course this is an easy way, acceptable for noobs like me only,  true hackers must not be afraid of some complications :) Fairly wish You success!

Offline Leee

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When I want to load new TC version i don't delete the older one, I modify boot disk to make use of both or more versions, and I make separate tce directory for each version. Of course this is an easy way, acceptable for noobs like me only,  true hackers must not be afraid of some complications :) Fairly wish You success!

Maybe I'm a noob too, but I've always done it similarly - the boot drives in some of my PCs are veritable TCMs (Tiny Core Museums) with installations going all the way back to 1.x.  My boot menus sometimes actually scroll the screen with previous versions of the OS - and all of them still work, even to having their mydata.tgz as a snapshot from the last time I used that version.  I've thought a few times about cleaning it all up but the thought always leads to, "Why bother?"   :)
  • makes for a nice clean install each time
  • keeps old install around, completely intact, as a "hot backup" in case things go badly with the new TC
Unless you use a lot of heavy extensions, you can do this even if you boot from any but the lowest capacity USB sticks, though you might not want to keep -all- of your old versions on a USB stick.

Code: [Select]
# example boot directory layout

core 15.0 x86_64

Offline jazzbiker

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installations going all the way back to 1.x.
Wow, You are with TinyCore since its birth! My first TinyCore was 9. Totally agree with You:
I've thought a few times about cleaning it all up but the thought always leads to, "Why bother?"   :)
TinyCore advantages are countless!


I think You are ok with Your new tce directory. You can boot with "base" code, then:
Code: [Select]
r_m   /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/nano.* #underline is hello from the server error, displace it before use
tce-load -w nano

This will refresh nano. ncurses.tcz and openssl.tcz will stay unused, You can remove them.

Have a nice Core!