Apparently, I didn't get the memo on this. It's in here somewhere ..

If you are trying to burn the release iso's, and they don't work on modern machines with simple DD or other gui burners, typically ending up at the grub prompt, try this:
Add some ISOHYBRID spice to the iso before you burn. In my case, on a very modern machine, I did this:
sudo isohybrid <path/to/your/iso>
In my case, on an ultra modern little hockey-puck mini-pc, added the --uefi component
sudo isohybrid --uefi TinyCorePure64-11.1.iso
Now a bootable stick can be made from either DD, or other 3rd party burning utilities, that mostly do dd internally anyway. They are just following directions to the letter, but if the iso doesn't have the isohybrid spice on it, then tears follow.
Note that when burned to stick, this of course results in what appears to be the "CD" read-only type of operation, so you'll want to resort to other measures to build a stick on a different writable /bootable filesystem.
OR, use as is, and enter kernel cheatcodes manually all the time if needed. Like a cd-environment, you can at least set up persistence by using things like tce-setdrive and following the rest of the usual stuff for TC to go further.
This explains the chicken-and-egg phenomena if you only have a windows box, or even chromebook (using the restoration trick), you don't have any way to ISOHYBRID the iso before burning. The obvious thing to do is get another distro bootable, download the tinycore iso, and isohybrid it from there.
When that dd'ed stick came up on my uefi-only box after doing the isohybrid --uefi trick on it, I suddenly knew what a cheshire-cat grin was all about.