Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases
bc posted, I hope you know that changing a kernel in piCore is far from a trivial task.
--- Quote from: Paul_123 on September 03, 2020, 07:45:20 PM ---bc posted, I hope you know that changing a kernel in piCore is far from a trivial task.
--- End quote ---
Thank you.
I know that the kernel modules are distributed among the various tcz extensions, but I only use the base and wireless modules.
I am aware that this thread is mainly for TCB feedback. I just attempted to get into dropbox on firefox (Repo build) and it reports "there was a problem completing this request". I suspect after a search online it relates to our version of firefox. Anyone able to login on 12x?
Its easy to evade. I just put the files onto a usb stick and transfer them on TC64 (or whatever you have)
thanks for reading
You can safely ignore my 2 private messages. First one is still kind of correct that gtk2 is missing one cups backend file. But I am now on 32 bit and reading cups error log after rebuild of gtk2 on 12x and gutenprint
the error to print from leafpad a gtk2 app is filter failed.
error log shows
--- Quote ---D [08/Sep/2020:03:49:52 +0000] [Job 3] /usr/local/bin/gs: error while loading shared libraries: libidn.so.11: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
--- End quote ---
--- Code: ---strings /usr/local/bin/gs | grep libidn
--- End code ---
trouble is with have libidn2 with /usr/local/lib/libidn2.so.0.3.7
I tried and failed to do a dirty sym link to see if I could print but can not. Its above my pay scale to recommend you or anyone else update these packages. So I will plod along and see if I can do a private build to resolve missing file.
thanks for reading and that may still not resolve all my issues.
You could try the libidn extension from piCore-9.x?
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