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Tiny To-Do list


I keep track of my non mission-critical todo lists without even using a dedicated app.  Not even a text editor.  Just simple file-management.

What I do is touch zero-byte files and use those names as Todo titles.

Create a todo directory right off your home directory and cd into it

--- Code: ---mkdir todo
cd todo

--- End code ---
Add a todo by touching a file:

--- Code: ---touch fish
--- End code ---

To see your list do either the long way (ls -l) or use the LL alias:

--- Code: ---ls -l
--- End code ---

But fish isn't descriptive enough.  Let's use underscores instead, and edit the existing one using the mv command.

--- Code: ---mv fish feed_the_fish
--- End code ---

Or, one can use quotes to cut down on keystrokes for long ones:

--- Code: ---touch "feed my neighbors goldfish and other pets"
--- End code ---

Use ll to list.

Add another todo that something important:

--- Code: ---touch Pay_taxes
--- End code ---

Some todo's that I finish, I may not want to delete immediately and keep them around for awhile so I don't do them again.  In many gui apps, a checkbox is used.

For me, I just rename the existing todo and prepend it with a capital X:

--- Code: ---mv Pay_taxes X_Pay_taxes
--- End code ---

And to catch your attention even further, if you have a colorized-capable terminal, do something to the file to make it stand out in color.  One that works for me and stand out in green is:

--- Code: ---chmod +x ./Pay_taxes
--- End code ---

Seen when I do an ll to list my todos.

I know - kind of silly.  But it works.  Kind of fun not using a dedicated application or text editor.  Just a goofy sense of fun with file-management commands you already know. :)

On a more serious note, instead of keeping todo's it demonstrates a way to add simple notes to any directory without having to use a read-me file aka:

--- Code: ---touch Experimental_files_do_not_modify
--- End code ---

Or something like that.  Use your imagination.

I guess for convenience I can call up my todo list at any time ...

Just made a file named "todo" which contained a single line

--- Code: ---ls -l /home/tc/todo
--- End code ---

and put that into the ~/.local/bin
directory, which is in the default path.  Make it executable of course with

--- Code: ---chmod +x todo
--- End code ---

Bingo - I can type todo at any time and see my list in the todo directory now easily.

I'm easily amused. :)

i have written/rewritten (probably never completed =P .. it works but is in progress )   a lst mgr 1 or 2(or more) times

kind of along the lines of kv.awk (mentioned @,26886.msg173142.html#msg173142 )

because what is special about "to do" that's not applicable to other lists of things ?

@PDP-8 - I absolutely -love- your todo system - simple, elegant,  portable.
I would adopt it in a heartbeat except I found the "colornote" (with local storage, tyvm) app for my android phone.


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