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Need a linux distro that works on low end devices.

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I have that old HP compaq laptop running outdated windows xp, I need a linux disto that runs well on 1 GB of RAM and doesn't need physical adress extension (PAE) to work.
I already tried LXLE but it requires PAE, bodhi linux didn't work either.

Sorry to say this but :

Didn't TCL work ?

I recommend two Linux systems that don't support PAE and are perfect for running Linux systems on very old machines: LUbuntu and Deepin9.
Ubuntu14.04 generally works on older machines, and you can force PAE checks to be ignored, as you can try.


--- Quote from: Sashank999 on August 06, 2020, 11:36:17 PM ---Didn't TCL work ?

--- End quote ---
It works, but I want a full fledged desktop. I will keep tiny core as a nomadic distro.
About Tori OS you mentioned, does it have a decent software support?


--- Quote from: Trump on August 06, 2020, 11:53:49 PM ---I recommend two Linux systems that don't support PAE and are perfect for running Linux systems on very old machines: LUbuntu and Deepin9.
Ubuntu14.04 generally works on older machines, and you can force PAE checks to be ignored, as you can try.

--- End quote ---
So using forcepae may let lxle work? I was worried because they said: Do it at your own risk.


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