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Author Topic: Can't access USB Drive  (Read 2841 times)

Offline wesley1

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Can't access USB Drive
« on: August 01, 2020, 03:04:40 PM »
USB drive isn't working well for me. This is another usb stick, not the card that tiny core is in.

1) I am able to see the drive, ls /mnt/sda1 doesn't show me the files on the drive.
2) Tried creating files in the drive, but it wasn't written into the drive. Looks like it's only stored in the ram drive.

How do I get it to work normally? Is it possible to persist stuff onto the usb drive without running the backup command?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 03:08:05 PM by wesley1 »

Offline jazzbiker

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Re: Can't access USB Drive
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2020, 03:18:19 PM »
Hi, wesley1!

Looks like You haven't mounted Your USB drive. When You connect it to the box, system detects it and prepares mount point for it (/mnt/sda1 in Your case?). So drive is detected, but unmounted yet, so its content is not accessible for the system.
To mount it You can type in the terminal window
Code: [Select]
sudo mount /dev/sda1

or if You use graphical desktop, start SystemTools->MountTool. If Your drive is red, means it is unmounted. Click on it, and it became green, now it is mounted.

Don't forget to unmount it after You finish Your task.

Have a nice Core!

Online Rich

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Re: Can't access USB Drive
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2020, 08:09:10 PM »
Hi wesley1
Have you seen this:
First partition, mmcblk0p1 is VFAT type; it contains the basic piCore
system and the Raspberry Pi boot loader, firmware and other support
files. Partition is unmounted during operation, system is not using it
after boot and never writes.

From the  README  file found here: