General TC > Programming & Scripting - Unofficial
script to search your local TCE.dep files for a named TCE
firstly this is based a little on my poor memory of what a moderator supplied me years ago.
that script which I no longer had interacted with the repo.
this is a script that searches only your locally installed TCEs
it requires you to input the real name without the trailing .tcz
I stole a fair bit of coding from Rich forum post
I make it executable and have it in ~/.local/bin called searchtce
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
read -t 10 -p "input TCE without dot tcz please
grep -l $INPUT.tcz /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/*.dep | cut -d/ -f6
--- End code ---
I added timer of 10 seconds. Use copy and paste if you are a slow typer or remove the timer please
Here is an example
--- Code: ---searchtce
input TCE without dot tcz please
--- End code ---
It should be clear that all files ending in .dep are the "hits"
My main reason for using it is to track down what is loading a target TCE
there may be other uses. Hope it helps someone
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