Most third party software expects this link:
tc@box:~$ sudo mkdir /lib64
tc@box:~$ sudo ln -s /lib/ /lib64/
Install the following extensions. My system already has open-vm-tools-desktop installed, so I can't say how much that and it's dependencies taint the rest of the procedure.
tc@box:~$ tce-load -i perl5 python3.6 rpm compiletc bc bash coreutils libaio alsa alsa-config libpng-dev module-init-tools polkit
Busybox modprobe doesn't have the -n option, and the installer script has /sbin/modprobe path hardcoded, so fix this:
tc@box:~$ cd /sbin
tc@box:/sbin$ sudo ln -sf /usr/local/sbin/modprobe
Create the SysV init directories the installer expects:
tc@box:~$ for a in $(seq 0 6); do sudo mkdir -p /etc/rc.d/rc$a.d; done
tc@box:~$ cd /etc/rc.d
tc@box:/etc/rc.d$ sudo ln -s /etc/init.d
Now run the installer:
tc@box:~$ sudo bash /path/to/VMware-Player-15.5.6-16341506.x86_64.bundle --console --ignore-errors --eulas-agreed
After it finishes, if you haven't already, download the patched linux kernel source from the TC website and untar it. Download the config file and put it in the tree as .config. You shouldn't have to build the kernel. Create a link to the kernel source tree, then build and load the kernel modules:
tc@box:~$ cd /lib/modules/5.4.3-tinycore64/
tc@box:/lib/modules/5.4.3-tinycore64$ sudo ln -s /path/to/kernel/src/linux-5.4.3 build
tc@box:~$ sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
tc@box:~$ sudo modprobe vmmon
tc@box:~$ sudo modprobe vmnet
At this point vmplayer should start and prompt for a license key. It is also at this point that policy kit needs to be configured but I don't know how to do that. If I run vmplayer as tc I can not go further, but it does work if I run it as root (a bad idea). Also, this installation is not permanent, it will be lost when you reboot unless you make the whole TC file system persistent which defeats the idea of TC. Personally, I would use a different host OS. I use Slackware as my main OS, which is much more like TC than most other distros. I don't think TC is the right tool for this job.