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Author Topic: Tiny Core Audio Player Appliance  (Read 7917 times)

Offline gavs

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Tiny Core Audio Player Appliance
« on: March 11, 2012, 07:36:05 PM »
Title: Tiny Core Audio Player Appliance

Description: The purpose was to set up a dedicated high fidelity audio player appliance that was quiet and consumed low power. Tiny Core is well suited for doing this due to its small size, mode of operation, and modularity. Also, Tiny Core provides tools for novices like me to create an appliance. The audio player should boot up as quickly as possible in a ready to play condition. For this reason, a re-master was made containing all the required elements. The ezremaster tool greatly facilitated doing this.

Posting this information serves 2 purposes:
   - other novices may find my experiences useful
   - experienced users may suggest improvements

Link: http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/gavaris/apa.html

Hope this is appropriate here and of some use.

Offline gavs

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Re: Tiny Core Audio Player Appliance
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2021, 12:26:58 PM »
It has beensome time since this topic was posted. It was time to upgrade.

The purpose and title remain the same. The new link for the site describing how the re-master was made is given.

Link: https://sites.google.com/view/audioplayerappliance/home

The updated software and/or changes to the configuration resulted in appreciable audio improvement.

I hope this is of use to others.