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Hi xor,I still can't understand what you are asking for . Do you want to make apps to download your TCZs to a custom directory ?
Hi xor,Until you get a better reply, try this :mount your driveCode: [Select]sudo rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/tcedirsudo ln -s (path to folder where you want the downloads) /etc/sysconfig/tcedirNote that you should not include the ending "/" in the above pathI don't know if it works but this is what I do when I use the base bootcode and load tcz in my tce32 folder (it actually defaults to tce directory which is non existent).
sudo rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/tcedirsudo ln -s (path to folder where you want the downloads) /etc/sysconfig/tcedir
in this picture; In which file is the selected driver and folder director information saved?I want to fix this manually.Quote from: Sashank999 on July 15, 2020, 10:46:02 PM Hi xor,I still can't understand what you are asking for . Do you want to make apps to download your TCZs to a custom directory ?
Quote from: Sashank999 on July 14, 2020, 06:08:00 AMHi xor,Until you get a better reply, try this :mount your driveCode: [Select]sudo rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/tcedirsudo ln -s (path to folder where you want the downloads) /etc/sysconfig/tcedirNote that you should not include the ending "/" in the above pathI don't know if it works but this is what I do when I use the base bootcode and load tcz in my tce32 folder (it actually defaults to tce directory which is non existent).Do this. The directory information is not saved into some config file. It just takes the /etc/sysconfig/tcedir symlink as the apps directory.Also, I suggest renaming your cde dir to tce.Quote from: xor on July 18, 2020, 10:04:40 AMin this picture; In which file is the selected driver and folder director information saved?I want to fix this manually.Quote from: Sashank999 on July 15, 2020, 10:46:02 PM Hi xor,I still can't understand what you are asking for . Do you want to make apps to download your TCZs to a custom directory ?
Hi xor,The selection is not actually controlled by Apps. It is the command-line tce-setdrive utility which gives options.If you want it on boot time, add the command to bootlocal.sh .
TCE (/tce/) DirectoryThe /tce/ (Tiny Core extension) directory is utilized to create and store SCE extensions. This is why the tce-setdrive command is used during installation to set up a persistent system. This allows extensions and related data to be stored for re-use, rather than having to re-install them with every fresh boot (ie. typical 'live' boot). The /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/ (/tce/) directory is actually a symbolic link. Exploring dCore's directory structure after installation will reveal that /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/ may be the same as /mnt/sda1/tce/ or whatever partition is used for the installation. http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/doku.php?id=dcore:handling_extensions#dcore_tce_tce_directory
at the point where the visual interface is usedThe visual correction option should be [Re-SET].Quote from: Sashank999 on July 18, 2020, 10:36:00 PMHi xor,The selection is not actually controlled by Apps. It is the command-line tce-setdrive utility which gives options.If you want it on boot time, add the command to bootlocal.sh .