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Author Topic: Weasis - DICOM viewer for medical use.  (Read 2000 times)

Offline Rubén

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Weasis - DICOM viewer for medical use.
« on: June 30, 2020, 01:35:29 PM »

I have been working in an extension for Weasis-portable, a viewer for DICOM images I have been deploying at $job.

This extension... well, it sorta sucks. It is pre-packaged from official binaries. Worst yet, I have not been able to make it run without Xorg.

Before making an official submission for this thing, I'd like people to have a look at it and share opinions.

You can get the extension, along the official binary from which it is derived and the scripts I used for packaging in my gopher site. You will need a gopher browser such as cgo or lynx.

$ lynx gopher://gopher.operationalsecurity.es/1/Software/TCE/weasis-portable/

Some challenges I am having with this extension:

When installing the extension from scratch, the adoptopenjdk-12 dependency is pulled, then weasis is installed an a menu icon shows in the wbar. However, since the java environment is not set ($JAVA_HOME is empty and $PATH does not include the path to the java binary), clicking the weasis icon won't work until these variables are sourced manually, or the system is rebooted. Any suggestions for dealing with this problem?