Hi, Rich!
Thnks for testing my suspicious statement
for slow flash drives sync doesn't guarantee that data have found their place, and sometimes those sleeps are the only way to success.
This sentence consists of the two statements, in fact.
1. "for slow flash drives sync doesn't guarantee that data have found their place" - it is false statement. I've found very slow 4 class SD card and made some tough tests upon it and now can fully agree with You, that sync does its job very well. And more, I feel much more comfortable dealing with flash devices

Of course I was not modelling power faults and other horror movies, but probably excessive sleeps will not heal the hardware and physical issues.
2. "sometimes those sleeps are the only way to success" - this is true statement at least for one scenario, which I cited from tc-install.sh and which I faced myself. Repartitioning of connected device needs some time for udev to recognize newcomers, and there is nothing to do with this but wait. But this is very special case and sync is out of suspicions, really. I don't know are the other such scenarios existing, it will be good to know about.
Thanks again for shooting my suspicions! Life becomes better when they're gone