Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Installation of aircrack-ng,hashcat,hcxdumptool,hcxpcaptools,reaver

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Thanks for the offer, but since I am the maintainer for ncursesw, I'd rather I continue to look after it - many other extensions depend on ncursesw, so we need to be careful with it.

Edit: see also http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/doku.php?id=wiki:creating_extensions

There is a submissions section at the bottom

Oh. Ok then.
Can I compile minigalaxy extension as requested here ? http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23960.0/topicseen.html

Sure - what happened to aircrack-ng, etc?

They are based under OpenSSL license and we have to consult them before publishing our compiled tcz. This is written in the license. So, I just deleted them.

You need to edit the python-pip.tcz.dep.
The pip complains that I am using python 2 which is deprecated. But I have Python 3.6. I wondered and checked the dep. Found that python 2 is a dep. Plz change it.


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