Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Installation of aircrack-ng,hashcat,hcxdumptool,hcxpcaptools,reaver

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Just a small error. I realised and corrected it.
I am uploading one list. I have made some headings and divided man pages and all other things. Pls check it. I will then do mksquashfs.
Download the 5.3kb one.

The files in /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib/lib*.la need to go in a -dev.tcz extension

Hi Sashank999

--- Quote from: Sashank999 on June 05, 2020, 01:03:32 AM ---
--- Quote from: Rich on June 04, 2020, 09:45:32 AM ---See the section of the script that says  Copy the copyright file.  It places the licensing file here:

--- Code: ---/usr/local/share/doc/gpicview/COPYING
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---
Which script ?
--- End quote ---
The  gpiview  build script I pointed you to in reply #26. The license file is often called  COPYING.  Place the license file under:

--- Code: ---/usr/local/share/doc/ExtensionName/
--- End code ---

So for  aircrack-ng.tcz  place it under:

--- Code: ---/usr/local/share/doc/aircrack-ng/
--- End code ---

What should I do with files in aircrack-ng-copy/.libs ?

They are not required


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