Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
Installation of aircrack-ng,hashcat,hcxdumptool,hcxpcaptools,reaver
I still didnot make extensions for all of them.
I just want to remake the mydata.tgz from extracted home and opt directories.
I have just seen your last reply but first some suggestions on your earlier questions.
In addition to what Juanito just said....you have a few options
1) you could re-compile and make a TCE or few as per the wiki
but not forced to submit them, as you see fit.
Obviously TC can not accept closed source binaries, if any are as I have not researched your exes.
2) grab all your compiled executables, lib files and the like and bundle them into a private TCE
3) grab all your compiled executables and try running them without making a TCE by copying them into ~/.local/bin
Since the wiki entry makes certain assumptions let me pretend to make a private TCE as an example you might like to follow?
This is not perfect. Not meant to be. Instead of # for comments I used ()
--- Code: ---$ tce-load -w squashfs-tools
$ tce-load -l squashfs-tools
(if you know you have never downloaded it, try tce-load -wil squashfs-tools)
$ cd /tmp
(choose a tce-name I choose test)
$ mkdir -p test/usr/local/bin
$ cp /home/tc/.local/bin/searchtce test/usr/local/bin
(if not already executable make it so) $ chmod -R 755 test/usr/local/bin
$ mksquashfs test test.tcz
$ mv test.tcz /mnt/sda5/tce/optional
$ tce-load -i test
$ /usr/local/bin/searchtce
--- End code ---
If it passes test - does not need any lib files added, needs no running dependencies etc.
Consider adding it to your boot list, for most people thats onboot.lst
--- Quote ---I just want to remake the mydata.tgz from extracted home and opt directories.
--- End quote ---
Lets pretend your current system is working but some files are missing but are in your mydata.tgz backup? As I am not sure what you mean otherwise. So I am assuming you have 2 mydata.tgz
one....at correct dir and another somewhere else that contains the missing files
Literally try this...
open control panel -> click the Backup/Restore button
click on included for backup
Check what is missing.
If you have a persistent home....that is your responsibility to ensure files exist over reboot.
I am sure you understand that by now. If you have a true fully persistent home, I am not sure how you can missing files from it.
but lets pretend you need a file with pathway
and its not showing in above list
so you must use root powers to extract it from your "backup" that contains it
and add that file to /usr/local/lib
Next add that file in the backup GUI
Next pulldown "Dry Run" and choose Backup.
click go
-> that new file must appear in the list.
Please note you can only have one backup file at the root of your tce dir
called mydata.tgz
there are other options.
Personally I like using a terminal file manager that can unpack that file
its called mc.
here is a screenshot if interested.
EEK, there is another possibility.
I believe you were advised that....if you wanted a fully persistent home dir....you needed to remove that home dir from your backup file.
Maybe you did not understand that request?
In which case....your boot up....will replace whatever is currently in /home with whatever is in the backup for /home.
I still believe, your real files will exist at /mnt/sda5/home.
Is this what you mean?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Just like you said, I ran a dry run. Nothing happened.
Then, in Control Panel, in Backup/Restore, I saw a restore option.
Then, I got an idea. I repacked the home directories into mydata.tar (which I have previously extracted and by which I got this error) and then ran gzip on that mydata.tar ==> mydata.tar.gz. I renamed it into mydata.tgz. And then replaced it with the mydata.tgz(which has no files). Then I ran restore from the Control Panel. EUREKA !!! I got my files.
Now, I am gonna reboot and see if it restores from the backup.
Now, I need no persistent home directories (YAY!!! ;D ) .
Thanks for all your support. I just installed mc file manager. It is simply super and it is really useful for those who really care about internet data usage (like me, tbh).
I am now trying the extension making process aus9 said. If it is successful, I will make extensions for hashcat and mail it to you.
UPDATE : Yes. It restored successfully.
@aus9 You said that the method is not perfect. Could you please post a perfect one ?
EDIT : Starting from UPDATE.
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