How to run firefox from unpack.
Note this breaks the pristine state concept.
Each time there is a new release, assuming its a security update, normal distros have to give you a big download.
But with my method, actually I did not invent it, but if its a point release you are downloading only the diff.
Naturally when there is a integer release eg 75.something to 76.0, that is a full download
Firefox will do the updates depending on your preferences as because you have write powers to your home dir, no need to rebuild a TCE as you did not create one in the first place.
How to setup
Go to your language and download it
unpack it into your home directory
Optional for XFCE Gnome users you could create a desktop launcher but I am too lazy to
as I tend to stay on openbox.
Check the system requirements main thing is I run on Xorg, Xorg-7.7.tcz is in by boot list with dbus running thru my
Next I create a ~/.local/bin exe called fox with contents
LIST="gtk3 libasound dbus-glib cairo gamin speexdsp \
adwaita-icon-theme hicolor-icon-theme gdk-pixbuf2 speexdsp"
for Z in $LIST
tce-load -i $Z
[ -h /usr/local/bin/firefox ] || sudo ln -s /home/tc/firefox/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox
[ -h /lib64 ] || sudo ln -s /lib /lib64
exec /usr/local/bin/firefox
Make it executable
chmod 755 ~/.local/bin/fox
If I need to watch youtube in FF then I am forced to load and run pulseaudio but there are other ways
of playing youtube not discussed here.
Optional add any plugins you need such as uBlock Origin
You may notice I had to choose a local bin exe name different from firefox.
Depending on which boot lists you use or abuse.....some of the TCEs could be put in your boot list.