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iwlist scan shows non-existent hotspot

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Reloading the wireless interface's kernel module before scanning is a good-enough solution for now.
If I find a more direct way of clearing the cached scan results, I'll post it here.
If someone beats me to the punch, please do share ;)


--- Quote from: GNUser on May 27, 2020, 01:31:57 PM ---II have to scan a second time in order for the nonexistent hotspot to disappear from the scan results.

--- End quote ---

You wrote this.

I don't like that "solution" because I don't have any guarantees--I don't know for how long entries live in the cache.

Maybe it's just by accident that a second scan works. Perhaps if second scan completes quickly enough, the non-existent hotspot will still show up...

Hi GNUser
I just turned on a Netbook to see what shows up in sysctl for wireless networking and this provided many results:

--- Code: ---sudo sysctl -a 2>&1 | grep -i wlan
--- End code ---
I recommend researching the names containing  time  or  delay  for starters.

Thank you, Rich. I took a look and the output and there are indeed several candidate parameters.

Unfortunately, even with help ( it's hard to find what I'm looking for given the highly technical verbiage. I'll explore this further when I have more time.


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