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[Solved] TCL laptop sometimes cannot connect to TCL wireless router
Hi, GNUser!
You mentioned, that trouble comes hand in hand with Windows. We don't know, what those drivers do on Your frequency. It is possible for malicious intruder to break any connection at any moment.
I contacted the seller (ThinkPenguin) for support. They confirm it's a hardware limitation:
--- Quote ---ThinkPenguin writes:
The max # of clients is 8. It's a hardware or chip limitation sort
of. The code could be rewritten to accommodate more clients by
offloading to the hosts CPU, but it's never been done. Basically these
adapters have very limited memory which limits the number of clients
that can connect.
Generally speaking the companies which design the chips that go into
routers and every other kind of device produce different versions for
different use cases. A chip designed for a wifi adapter or computer
isn't going to perform the same as a chip designed for a router even
where it is capable of performing said function.
--- End quote ---
This can be marked as solved. Thank you both very much. This issue was driving me crazy.
Hi GNUser
--- Quote from: GNUser on May 21, 2020, 07:29:28 AM --- ... This can be marked as solved. ...
--- End quote ---
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