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acpid scripts for laptop Fn+F2/3/6/7/8 functions
maybe possible accidental touch of pad, but i am 90% it is not. Maybe my mouse is a little warned/broken, because it happened with few tinycore versions also in the past; myabe i am wrong but i suspected background script for tinycore forum. Or is a memory leak in fltk -> most of the time it happens copy/paste between aterm and aterm.
Feed-back: testing between "aterm" and "editor"1. in editor selected a word "maria" , and copy it with ctrl+C. paste it in aterm with sfht+ins. OK. (ins=Fn+Prt_sc, crazy keyboard layout)2. in aterm select with the mouse a word "john", it means copy. It another aterm past it with sfht+ins. OK. But in editor, with Crtl+C, or sfht +ins -> will paste "maria". wow. not the same clipboard buffer.buffer
Feed-back: testing between "aterm" and "editor"
1. in editor selected a word "maria" with touchpad, and copy it with ctrl+C. paste it in aterm with sfht+ins. OK. (ins=Fn+Prt_sc, crazy keyboard layout)
2. in aterm select with the touchpad a word "john", it means copy. It another aterm past it with sfht+ins. OK. But in editor, with Crtl+V, or sfht +ins -> will paste "maria". wow. not the same clipboard buffer.
3. copy "versions" word from firefox with touchpad, paste it OK in aterm (with sfht+ins) and in editor (with both ctrl+V, or shf+ins). But touchpad selecting is OK only between terminals aterm and aterm. Touchpad select "john" from aterm will paste into both editor and firefox the "version"!!
--- Quote from: nick65go on May 21, 2020, 02:16:03 PM ---maybe possible accidental touch of pad, but i am 90% it is not. Maybe my mouse is a little warned/broken
--- End quote ---
So You use both touchpad and mouse? I can propose the hack - disconnect touchpad ) i did so and have no jumping cursors anymore. But this is until You need to use laptop somewhere else. Maybe You can advice me how to block the touchpad using software? Of course it would be much more appropriate.
--- Quote from: nick65go on May 21, 2020, 03:02:18 PM ---
2. in aterm select with the touchpad a word "john", it means copy. It another aterm past it with sfht+ins. OK. But in editor, with Crtl+V, or sfht +ins -> will paste "maria". wow. not
--- End quote ---
Sorry, no. In aterm select with the touchpad AND Shift-Del means Copy.
Sorry, nick65go, I was wrong. This doesn't work between terminal and X editor. Only between terminals. This are different clipboards, and I don't know how to combine them together.
This works for fifth browser.
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