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Author Topic: virt-manager error on startup  (Read 12388 times)

Offline Juanito

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2020, 06:07:11 AM »
You can download the 32-bit iptables extension and mount it to get access to the script.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 06:15:15 AM by Juanito »

Offline core.dump

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2020, 07:48:28 AM »
OK, got the script, tried to launch it. Even with iptables activated the error persists. The same error is thrown when using virsh in a shell.

Could it be a libvirt bug?

Offline Juanito

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2020, 08:28:26 AM »
...virt-manager does however need gtk-vnc-gir and spice-gtk-gir to connect to a running vm, although it still gives an error message.

spice-gtk-gir was missing a dep - corrected now

Offline core.dump

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2020, 08:47:40 AM »
by reading this article it seems that libvirt (thus virt-manager) requires firewalld. Could firewalld be included in TC extensions?

Offline Juanito

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2020, 10:11:16 AM »
Maybe you could try installing filewalld with pip3.6 first to see if it’s really needed?

Offline Rich

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2020, 10:24:35 AM »
Hi Juanito
Maybe you could try installing filewalld with pip3.6 first to see if it’s really needed?
Don't type so fast. You misspelled  firewalld. :o

Offline core.dump

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2020, 10:28:11 AM »
Maybe you could try installing filewalld with pip3.6 first to see if it’s really needed?

firewalld is not included in pip3.6 packages:

Code: [Select]
tc@box:~$ pip3.6 search firewall
dns-firewall (0.0.4)                        - Local DNS Firewall
cloudshell-firewall-core (1.0.8)            - QualiSystems Firewall Python package
cloudshell-firewall-a10 (1.0.1)             - QualiSystems firewall A10 specific package
cloudshell-firewall-fortinet (1.1.1)        - QualiSystems firewall FortiNet specific package
firewall (0.2.0)                            - Punch a hole into an AWS EC2 security group temporarily
cloudshell-firewall-panos (1.0.0)           - QualiSystems firewall Palo Alto PanOS specific Package
cloudshell-shell-firewall-standard (3.0.2)  - QualiSystems Shells Firewall Standard Package
cloudshell-firewall-juniper-junos (1.0.3)   - QualiSystems firewall Juniper JunOS specific Package
cloudshell-firewall-cisco-asa (3.0.5)       - QualiSystems firewall Cisco ASA specific Package
cloudshell-firewall (3.0.3)                 - QualiSystems Python package
tornado-http-firewall (0.0.3)               - Validation and Hosting daemon for scatter.online.
pyfluffy (0.0.12)                           - Fluffy - A Firewall as a Service
firelet (0.5.0a3)                           - Distributed firewall management
trackerfw (0.0.4)                           - TrackerFw - firewall for trackers
fwmacro (0.9.6)                             - Firewall macro compiler
orangengine (0.0.1)                         - Firewall Policy Automation Engine
django-firefence (0.1.0)                    - A firewall for your Django views.
fwunit (1.2.0)                              - Unit tests for firewall rules
nagato (0.6.0)                              - Bypass korean firewall(warning.or.kr)
hotcidr (0.1.0)                             - Firewall rule management and automation tools
teamvault (0.8.4)                           - Keep your passwords behind the firewall
djaodjin-rules (0.2.4)                      - HTTP proxy firewall Django App
iptdump (1b1.3)                             - describes firewall rules and dump it out
mcsf (0.0.6)                                - Port modification wrapper for ConfigServer Security&Firewall
mignis (0.9.5.post1)                        - Mignis is a semantic based tool for firewall configuration
DAXFi (1.1)                                 - configure different kinds of firewalls in a consistent way.
zmqfirewall (0.1dev)                        - Object-based ZeroMQ message repeater/firewall
servicewall (0.4.2)                         - the desktop firewall that adapts to different network connections
wafw00f (2.1.0)                             - The Web Application Firewall Detection and Fingerprinting Toolkit.
waf-brain (1.0.0)                           - WAF-brain: the clever and efficient Firewall for the Web
shadowd (2.0.0)                             - Python connector for the Shadow Daemon web application firewall
rfw (0.2.2)                                 - Remote firewall as a web service. REST API for iptables.
pyrewall (0.9.1.post1)                      - A Python tool / service for managing iptables firewalls with ease
MinistryOfPackages (0.9.5)                  - A minimal PyPI implementation meant for use behind a firewall.
saruman (0.3.0)                             - A firewall that leverage AMQP workqueue ! Build by iresam for iresam !
find2deny (0.2.10)                          - find Bot IPs in log file to firewall them
behvpn (2.3.2)                              - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
nbsocks (2.9.1)                             - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
shadowsocks-cui (3.0.0)                     - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
fwgen (0.19.0)                              - A simple management framework for ip(6)tables based firewalls
relay (0.0.8)                               - Meta-magical SSH tunnels for remote developers behind firewalls.
snmpfwd (0.4.4)                             - SNMP Proxy Forwarder can act as an application-level firewall
shadowsocks (2.8.2)                         - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
shadowsocks-valoroso (3.0.7)                - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
wlister (0.1.0)                             - Web application firewall designed to whitelist and/or blacklist HTTP requests.
myremotedump (0.1.0)                        - Dumps a firewalled MySQL database via a ssh tunnel to the remote system
acl-stats (0.1.3)                           - Quickly gather access-lists stats from Cisco ASA Firewalls
firval (1.2.1)                              - a netfilter firewall rules generator designed designed to be easy to read, write and maintain
enuma-elish (0.0.4)                         - A fast tunnel proxy  extension from ss ,which help you get through firewalls
blocklistsaggregator (0.5.1)                - A Python tool that downloads IP block lists from various sources and builds configurations for network
                                              equipments and firewalls.
check_paloalto (0.3.2)                      - check_paloalto is a Nagios/Icinga plugin for Palo Alto Next Generation Firewalls. It is written in Python and
                                              based on the PA REST API.
openSeSSHIAMe (0.1.0)                       - openSeSSHIAMe allows SSH access to an instance behind the great AWS firewall (security group for the instance)
                                              for authorized IAM users from their current location.
shadowsocks-py (2.9.1)                      - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls, the original pypi source is not maintained since
                                              version 2.8.2, this is a newly maintained pypi source by SilverLining.
portube (0.0.1)                             - Software-implemented port forwarding, transparent proxy, which can bypass firewalls in specific cases where the
                                              host restricts the inbound rules but does not restrict the outbound rules

If you (or anyone else) don't want to create a firewalld.tcz package it is ok for me, but please be patient, I need to get virt-manager working and I'm trying to solve as many problems as I can by myself, BUT I'm not a technician, so my skills are a bit limited...

Offline Juanito

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2020, 07:31:36 AM »
firewalld posted, but not fully tested.

There risk to be several hard-coded locations and/or obscure python run-time deps I didn't find.

Offline core.dump

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2020, 05:26:08 AM »
It's been a while... first of all, thank you Juanito for posting firewalld.tcz, it seems to work just fine.

Now when I start virt-manager it detects the firewall correctly, but there is another issue:

Code: [Select]
libvirt.libvirtError: Cannot check dnsmasq binary dnsmasq: No such file or directory
By searching around for this error, I found that the solution would be to recompile virt-manager with the "--with-dnsmasq-path" option

I'm not sure how to recompile it :-/

Offline Juanito

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2020, 05:36:02 AM »
Did you load the dnsmasq extension? If so, maybe a symlink /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -> /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq might help?

See here for compilation notes:


Offline core.dump

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Re: virt-manager error on startup
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2020, 11:43:38 AM »
Ummm, tried to symlink /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq to /usr/sbin, /usr/bin and even /bin (one at a time), it didn't help...

BTW, I'm sorry, in my latest post I wrote "recompile virt-manager with the "--with-dnsmasq-path" option" but I was wrong, it was referring to libvirt, not virt-manager... my fault  :-\

I took a look at http://tinycorelinux.net/11.x/x86_64/tcz/src/libvirt/compile_libvirt, but it is too complicated for my skill levels... and, of course, it is not guardanteed that it will work