Hi Greg. The following should work if you need scsi drivers in the base dCore*.gz. The scsi-$kernelversion package has no dependencies, but this method can be used of a package has no dependencies or 100 of them. Use a running instance of dCore-buster64 to import your package.
sce-import scsi-4.19.10-tinycore64
Now you have an SCE scsi-4.19.10-tinycore64.sce of the package and any of it's dependencies in your SCE directory.
Then,download or place the dCore-buster64.gz in your current directory. Use the below script to unpack the dCore-buster64.gz, name it perhaps dCore-unpack.sh:
if [ ! -d rootfs ]; then
mkdir rootfs
rm -r rootfs/*
cd rootfs
zcat ../"$CORE" | cpio -i -H newc -d
cd -
The use of the script is:
dCore-unpack.sh dCore-buster64.gz
That will unpack dCore-buster64.gz into a directory rootfs.
Now you want to copy the desired SCE(s) to the /tmp/builtin directory in the rootfs of what will be your new dCore-buster64.gz.
At the command line:
cp /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/scsi-4.19.10-tinycore64.sce* rootfs/tmp/builtin/
Then, use the repack script below, named dCorepack.sh to create the final dCore-buster64.gz:
REPO=`cat rootfs/usr/share/doc/tc/repo.txt`
RELEASE=`echo dCore-"$REPO":$(date "+%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M")`
echo "$RELEASE" > rootfs/usr/share/doc/tc/release.txt
echo "$RELEASE" > dCore-"$REPO".latest
cd rootfs
find | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -2 > ../"$CORE"
cd ..
md5sum "$CORE" > "$CORE".md5.txt
cd -
Usage is:
dCorepack.sh dCore-buster64.gz
Your new dCore-buster.gz now contains the scsi drivers. This can be used with any needed extra SCEs in base, this is how dCorePlus is made.