I made some stepts forward trying to config tinycore (4.2) for greek users and would like to post my progress here in case someone else is interested :
My first step was to use tc-install (on the desktop) to put tiny core on a usb. In this process I defined the lang=el_GR kmap=gr arguments (among others). These settings let me excpect that
I would have greek characters at least on the console. I based my assumption on the fact that giving the 'locale' command after login, most of the environment variables reflected my startup definitions.
Unfortunately this was not the case, so I searched the forum to find some help. There are some articles describing similar efforts, so I tried loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwerty/gr.kmap. My testing on the console (alt+ctrl+Backspace to get in, and alt+shift to switch the keyboard) showed that something is happening because I got different characters on the console, but my input was unreadable - probably the proper fonts are missing. I put command 'loadkmap' in opt/.bootlocal.sh
and tested my progress from a remote terminal using putty. My test showed that the unreadable characters were indeed greek, so 'loadkmap' did the job, but only when working with putty, which obviously has embeded the needed fonts.
Continuing to search the forum I came accros articles describing solutions of my problem for russian users, but could not help me to a final solution until now, mainly because I could not find
.psf fonts for the greek Language and because of limited skills around tiny core (find the proper tc extensions, learn how to use them etc)
I will continue my attempt on my own, but I understand that any tip, suggestion, or help from experienced tinycore users would be of great value for me.
Thank you very much