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Author Topic: Lacking experiance, need help getting in fouch with the world!  (Read 2311 times)

Offline hexeta

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OK, I have an old Clevo laptop which has a pcima card Linksys Wireless G Notebook Adapter WPC54G.
I have a driver for it which worked with another machine using Mint, with the help of "NDISWRAPPER", as I recall, ...no idea how I achieved it back then which is why I selected Tiny Core Plus, as it seemed to indicate that it would make the connection for me!
Sadly it seems I was mistaken.
This Machine has a 1gHz celeron processor and 1GB RAM and before I install, I would like to try it, but with conection to the wider world!
I have tried each of the versions on the ISO but I couldn't manage without a GUI.
Can anyone help me  please.  :(

Offline Juanito

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Re: Lacking experiance, need help getting in fouch with the world!
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2020, 01:09:30 AM »
Which version of tinycore were you using (ndiswrapper is available in 10.x, but not 11.x as nobody appeared to be using it)?

What graphics hardware does your machine have? Do you see any error messages when you try to start the gui with "startx".

Does your machine have a wired internet connection?

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Lacking experiance, need help getting in fouch with the world!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2020, 10:47:36 AM »

I installed Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32-bit on several different computers and the most recent Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32-bit, both with graphics mode, later upgraded manually to 11.1.

I had some problems similar to posting the link: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,12474.msg67611.html#msg67611, after installing Tiny Core Plus 11.0 or 11.1 32 bits, the computer or notebook needs to be restarted and the boot order changed to boot via HD. It did not load graphics mode and only Tiny Core Plus 11.0 or 11.1 32-bit text or command prompt mode.

I commented in one of my posts that when I prepared the pendrive with core2usb it happened, so I prepared the bootable pendrive for the installation of Tiny Core Plus with other programs UNetBootIn, Rufus and Yumi.

It solved the problem, but the truth is that I was not able to find out if the problem occurred during the installation or if it was due to the way the pendrive was prepared or if it has a bug in Tiny Core Plus.


Original text in Brazilian Portuguese, translated into English by the Google translator.



Eu instalei em vários computadores diferentes o Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits e nos mais recentes o Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits, ambos com o modo gráfico, posteriormente atualizei manualmente para 11.1.

Eu tive alguns problemas semelhantes ao da postagem do link: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,12474.msg67611.html#msg67611, após a instalação  do Tiny Core Plus 11.0 ou 11.1 32 bits, o computador ou notebook precisa ser reiniciado e alterado a ordem de boot, para inicializar via HD. Não carregava o modo gráfico e apenas o modo texto ou prompt de comando do Tiny Core Plus 11.0 ou 11.1 32 bits.

Eu comentei em uma das minhas postagens que quando eu preparava o pendrive com o core2usb isso acontecia, então preparei o pendrive bootável para a instalação do Tiny Core Plus com outros programas UNetBootIn, Rufus e o Yumi.

Resolveu o problema, mas a verdade é que eu não consegui descobrir se o problema ocorreu durante a instalação ou se foi devido a forma que o pendrive foi preparado ou se possui um bug no Tiny Core Plus.   


Texto original no idioma português do Brasil, traduzido para inglês pelo tradutor do Google.

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Lacking experiance, need help getting in fouch with the world!
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2020, 11:41:05 AM »
During the installation process, did you remember to check "Core and X / GUI Desktop"?

Even if I checked the option above and all the others available in "Core Plus Extensions Catagories to Install". It also did not load the graphics mode, after preparing the pendrive again with other tools the graphic mold worked.

Tiny Core Linux installation

Don't give up on Tiny Core Plus.


Original text in Brazilian Portuguese, translated into English by the Google translator.


No processo de instalação, você se lembrou de marcar "Core and X/GUI Desktop"?

Mesmo eu marcando a opção acima  e todas as outras disponíveis em "Core Plus Extensions Catagories to Install". Também não carregava o modo gráfico, após preparar novamente o pendrive com outras ferramentas o mofo gráfico funcionou.

Instalação Tiny Core Linux

Não desista do Tiny Core Plus.


Texto original no idioma português do Brasil, traduzido para inglês pelo tradutor do Google.

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Lacking experiance, need help getting in fouch with the world!
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2020, 11:42:31 AM »
Installation process ...

Processo de instalação ...

Offline hexeta

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Re: Lacking experiance, need help getting in fouch with the world!
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2020, 03:47:54 PM »
Apologies Marcelocripe and Juanito for my lack of reply.
I tried for two weeks on and off to get this WPC54G working on the old Clevo machine without any success at all!
Your email notifications I have now found in my spam folder, so sorry I should have looked before now!
I also tried Linuxlite but had the same problem.
I guess that machine had just reached the end of the line!
Thanks for offering your help.