Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

programs which could be in busybox

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I had a look into TC11_X64. TinyCorePure64-11.1.iso\boot\corepure64.gz\corepure64.cpio\sbin\

fsck.ext2 is a link to busybox. Why we need also e2fsk  (268KB) ?

mkfs.ext2 is a link to busybox. Why we need also mk2fs.ext2 (110 KB)?

blkid (80 KB) could be an appleet inside busybox. Will it male busybox lager with more than 80 KB?

Maybe the same for tune2fs ?

oh, exception: blkid (is just a stub for UUDI in busybox, not usefull) and tune2fs (not implemented yet in busybox).

busybox's ext2 utils are not as featureful, they are very old and stripped versions.

right, so then viceversa, maybe fsck.ext2 and mkfs.ext2 should not be compiled inside busybox, to save size and avoid redundant functionality?

They aren't? What is enabled is fsck, which is the general binary that calls fs-specific fscks.


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