Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

Hack-font.tcz's tce.installed file is called Hack-fonts

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As in the subject. The script should be called Hack-font, not Hack-fonts. It's a merely cosmetic issue that causes tce-status -i to output an inaccurate count of the number of loaded extensions (one more than the true number).

I noticed that too. I was beginning to think I was the only one who used it. It's on my todo list to fix.

While on the topic, the script adds 16 seconds to my boot time and causes some boot-time errors ("fonts failed to write cache").

Eliminating the script seems to have no ill side effects--boot-time errors go away, boots faster, font still works fine in the terminal

Hi GNUser
What does the script do? Is it a variation of the  fontconfig fc-cache  issue that cropped up here:

Hi, Rich. It does this:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
fc-cache -r
--- End code ---
It wreaks havoc during boot (delay and several errors/warnings). My workaround is to just delete the script from the extension. There are no bad side effects as far as I can tell.

fontconfig.tcz  is a dependency of  Hack-font.tcz  and is therefore also being loaded at boot time. Since tce.installed scripts are run as a batch after all extensions have loaded, by the time tce.installed/fontconfig runs, it "sees" Hack-font and includes it in the font cache.

I guess the only time Hack-font's tce.installed script would be needed is when the extension is loaded after boot.


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