Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

PCManFM - Trash Can bug

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--- Quote from: xor on April 10, 2020, 02:24:48 AM ---same problem exists in XFE

--- End quote ---
That's an easy fix: open up an xfe window -> Edit -> Preferences -> General -> uncheck "Use trash can for file deletion (safe delete)" -> click Accept

I am not sure if OP refers to 64 bit pcmanfm. I am looking at updating this TCE soon on 11x 64 bit
Also care might be needed if you run pcmanfm as root, as you might need to add root to your backup file?

Can you advise if you are referring to 32 or 64 bit please.
I am guessing 32 bit as its not in the pure64 sub-forum


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