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Author Topic: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.  (Read 5135 times)

Offline marcelocripe

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Objective: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.

Hello dear colleagues,

I bring a problem that I detected in the installation of opera-12.tcz, the download and installation occurred with "Apps: Regular Applications" the option "OnDemand" was selected in Tiny Core version 11.0 of 32 bits.

Clicking the right mouse button on the desktop, option OnDemand and opera-12, the Opera browser icon will be displayed in the bottom menu, after clicking on the icon the browser will not open.

Thank you for always answering my questions.


Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by Google Translate


Objetivo: Navegador opera-12.tcz não funcuionou no Tiny Core versão 11.0 de 32 bits.

Olá caro colegas,

Trago um problema que detectei na instalação do opera-12.tcz, o download e a instalação ocorreu  com "Apps: Regular Applications" a opção "OnDemand" foi selecionada no Tiny Core versão 11.0 de 32 bits.

Clicando com o botão direito do mouse na área de trabalho, opção OnDemand e opera-12, o ícone do navegador Opera passa a ser exibido no menu inferior, após clicar sobre o ícone o navegador não abre.

Agradeço por sempre responder as minhas dúvidas.


Texto original em português, traduzido para inglês por Google Tradutor

Offline Rich

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Re: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2020, 07:43:44 PM »
Hi marcelocripe
What happens if you open a terminal and enter:
Code: [Select]

Offline neonix

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Re: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2020, 08:41:22 AM »
Hi marcelocripe

I tested this in TC11 32-bit with fresh installation in RAM and Xfbdev, and it works without problem for me. Does extension is installed on HDD, pendrive or in RAM (/tmp/tce/optional)? Maybe it was run 2 times and opera has blocked executing 2 binaries?

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2020, 02:53:40 PM »
Rico and neonix, thank you for answering my question.

Tiny Core Plus was installed on HD (sda).
When I run Opera on the terminal:
tc @ box: ~ $ opera-12.tcz [Enter]
sh: opera-12.tcz: not found

And typing without the ".tcz":
tc @ box: ~ $ opera-12 [Enter]

tc @ box: ~ $ / usr / local / lib / opera-12 / opera-12: error while loading shared libraries: libfontconfig.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I hope I didn't misspell it, as it would be great if we could select the contents of the Tiny Core terminal, copy and paste into another file or browser.

I don't know what Xfbdev is or how to use it.

I'm starting with Tiny Core and I need help, a lot of help, I know this is the operating system that will save many computers from becoming junk e-mail and allow many poor people to have access to computers and computer use.

In another Tiny Core Plus installation test that I did, on another computer, I managed to make opera-12 work by running it as sudo with the "Run Program" tool / extension that comes in the Tiny Core menu and when you open this extension , displays in the title "FLRun", I checked the option "Run with sudo", OK and the opera was able to open. I noticed that the browser is very outdated, this is bad, we need to come together to make more updated extensions, several important features are not available in this version 12, such as printing to ".pdf".

On the computer that gave the problem I was unable to make the opera work. That is why I understand that it is important to install programs (in the case of Tiny Core, they are called extensions) without the need for internet access, I need to do exactly that, download the extensions and their dependencies, put it in the right place and run it them, similar to what can be done in most Windows, unzipping a program and running it, is enough to run / run. Imagine a local computer network with bad or unstable internet access, this is my situation, installing online extensions on each machine ends up with this, errors and problems.

I hope you understand the translation done by Google Translate from Brazilian Portuguese to English.



Rico e neonix, agradeço por responderem a minha dúvida.

A instalação do Tiny Core Plus foi feita no HD (sda).
Quando executo o Opera no terminal:
tc@box:~$ opera-12.tcz [Enter]
sh: opera-12.tcz: not found

E digitando sem o ".tcz":
tc@box:~$ opera-12 [Enter]

tc@box:~$  /usr/local/lib/opera-12/opera-12: error while loading shared libraries: libfontconfig.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Eu espero não ter digitado errado, pois seria muito bom se pudéssemos selecionar o conteúdo do terminal do Tiny Core, copiar e colar em outro arquivo ou navegador.

Eu não sei o que é Xfbdev ou como usá-lo.

Estou iniciando com o Tiny Core e preciso de ajuda, de muita ajuda, eu sei que este é o sistema operacional que irá salvar muitos computadores de virarem lixo eletrônico e permitirá que muitas pessoas pobres possam ter acesso a informática e ao uso do computador.

Em outro teste de instalação do Tiny Core Plus que eu fiz, em outro computador, eu consegui fazer o opera-12 funcionar executando ele como sudo com a ferramenta/extensão "Run Program" que vem no menu do Tiny Core e quando abre esta extensão, exibe no título "FLRun", marquei a opção "Run with sudo", OK e o opera conseguiu ser aberto. Observei que o navegador está muito desatualizado, isso é ruim, precisamos nos unir para fazermos mais extensões atualizadas, várias funcionalidades importantes não estão disponíveis nesta versão 12, como por exemplo, imprimir para ".pdf". 

No computador que deu o problema eu não consegui fazer o opera funcionar. É por isso que entendo ser importante fazer a instalação de programas (no caso do Tiny Core, são chamados de extensões) sem necessidade de acesso a internet, eu preciso fazer exatamente isso, baixar as extensões e suas dependências colocar no local certo e executá-las, semelhante ao que pode ser feito na maioria dos Windows, descompactar um programa e executá-lo, já é o suficiente para funcionar/rodar. Imaginem uma rede local de computadores com acesso a internet ruim ou instável, esta é a minha situação, instalar em cada máquina as extensões online acaba dando nisso, erros e problemas.

Eu espero que compreendam a tradução feita pelo Google Tradutor do idioma português do Brasil para o inglês.


Offline Rich

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Re: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2020, 07:58:13 PM »
Hi marcelocripe
... Displays:
tc @ box: ~ $ / usr / local / lib / opera-12 / opera-12: error while loading shared libraries: libfontconfig.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ...
Install  fontconfig.tcz , then run it from the terminal again and see if any other error messages show up.

Offline Juanito

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Re: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2020, 02:01:20 AM »
opera-12 was missing a dep file in the x86 10.x and 11.x repos - added now.

The 11.x info file was adjusted to reflect that gstreamer-0.10 is not available in the repo.

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2020, 08:25:27 PM »
Rico and Juanito,

On the computer that gave the problem I managed to make the opera work with fontconfig.tcz and gstreamer-0.10. After installing these dependencies, I needed to run Apps: Regular Applications, go to Maintenance, OnDemand, Maintenance, select fontconfig.tcz and Add Item, I repeated the same procedure with gstreamer-0.10 and opera-12.

Juanito, I don't know how big your work was and how long it took you to add the dependency to the x86 10.x and 11.x repositories and the 11.x information file to adjust to reflect that gstreamer-0.10 that was not available in the repository.

Can I help in any way to prepare the updated Opera?

It is possible to prepare a complete extension, including all dependencies or auxiliary programs, to prepare it in a compressed file, for when the user is going to download this file, which could be a compressed file (.zip, or .tar, or. tar.gz, or .tar.bz2, or other), unzip in the appropriate location (directory) and later run on Tiny Core?

This type of process is much more friendly and easy for any user, Tiny Core would only need to start with a file manager similar to spacefm.tcz, for now this is the file manager that worked best in the tests I did, because the spacefm allows you to easily run other programs and still have access as a super user, root or sudo. Pcmanfm.tcz is apparently more beautiful, but I was unable to open the files (bootlocal.sh and .filetool) to edit using pcmanfm, even if I checked the option View, Show Hidden.

They could teach me how to prepare new extensions and / or update extensions, I am interested in learning, I want to be able to collaborate with the forum and the Tiny Core Linux project.

I am preparing tutorials with photos in Brazilian Portuguese to post on the forum, these are the results of the tests that I have been doing and successfully doing, thanks to the support that I have been having from you two and other colleagues.


Original text in Brazilian Portuguese, translation into English by Google Translate.


Rico e Juanito,

No computador que deu o problema eu consegui fazer o opera funcionar com a fontconfig.tcz e gstreamer-0.10. Após a instalção destas dependências, eu precisei executar o Apps: Regular Applications, ir em Maintenance, OnDemand, Maintenance, selecionar fontconfig.tcz e Add Item, repeti o mesmo procedimento com o gstreamer-0.10 e opera-12.

Juanito, eu não sei qual foi o tamanho do seu trabalho e o tempo que você levou para incluir a dependência nos repositórios x86 10.xe 11.x e o arquivo de informações 11.x de ajustar para refletir que o gstreamer-0.10 que não estava disponível no repositório.

Posso ajudar de alguma forma para preparar o Opera atualizado?

É possível preparar uma extensão completa, estando nela incluída todas as dependências ou programas auxiliares, preparar em um arquivo compactado, para quando o usuário for fazer o download deste arquivo, que poderia ser um arquivo compactado (.zip, ou .tar, ou .tar.gz, ou .tar.bz2, ou outra), descompactar no local (diretório) adequado e posteriormente ser executado no Tiny Core? 

Este tipo de processo é muito mais amigável e fácil para qualquer usuário, o Tiny Core só precisaria iniciar com um gerenciador de arquivos semelhante ao spacefm.tcz, por enquanto este é o gerenciador de arquivos que melhor funcionou nos testes que eu fiz, porque o spacefm permite executar com facilidade outros programas e ainda com o acesso como super usuário, root ou sudo. O pcmanfm.tcz aparentemente é mais bonito, mas eu não consegui abrir os arquivos (bootlocal.sh e o .filetool) para editar usando o pcmanfm, mesmo marcando a opção View, Show Hidden. 

Poderiam me ensinar a preparar novas extensões e/ou atualizar as extensões, tenho interesse em aprender, eu quero poder colaborar com o fórum e com o projeto Tiny Core Linux. 

Estou preparando tutoriais com fotos em português do Brasil para postar no fórum, são os resultados dos testes que venho fazendo e conseguindo realizar com sucesso, graças ao apoio que venho tendo de vocês dois e de outros colegas. 


Texto original em português do Brasil, tradução para o inglês por Google Tradutor.

Offline Juanito

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Re: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2020, 01:27:33 AM »
The dependency file opera-12.tcz.dep contains gtk2.tcz - this means that when you load the opera-12 extension, it will automatically load the gtk2 extension and all of its dependencies recursively. Please check that you have opera-12.tcz.dep in your tce/optional folder.

Since the fontconfig extension is one of the recursive dependencies of gtk2, it will automatically be loaded when you load opera-12.

If you want to install tinycore on a number of computers that cannot be connected to the internet, I suggest:

* decide which extensions you wish to install on the computers
* install tinycore to a usb stick
* boot a computer that is connected to the internet from the usb stick
* install all of the extensions to the usb stick from the internet, including tc-install-GUI

You can then boot additional computers from the usb stick, install tinycore to those computers using tc-install and finally copy the additional extensions from the usb stick to the computers.

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2020, 02:27:23 PM »

Yes, there is the dependency file opera-12.tcz.dep in the mnt / sda1 / tec / optional folder of Tiny Core Plus 32 bits.

I noticed the fontconfig extension being loaded automatically when I loaded opera-12 in Apps: Regular Applications (tcz).

Thanks for the suggestions, follow my comments:

* decide which extensions you want to install on computers

Answer: I am testing the extensions of the applications that computers will receive, according to the hardware specifications, the extensions that everyone will have: file manager, image viewer, internet browser, libreoffice, gimp2, DVD recorder, if it is a notebook or battery level meter, everyone needs to have the audio working for both vlc3 and firefox, as it is the most up-to-date and available internet browser for Tiny Core Plus, when I am close to reaching the goal, I believe I will have to change the name of each machine to use it on a network to share the internet and / or printer when there is one, creating a user and entering an administrator password for each machine connected to the network. Computers with a better processor and 2GB of RAM intend to include audacity (audio editor) and flowblade (video editor).

* install tinycore on a USB stick
Answer: It is via pendrive that I am doing the installation tests, some computers do not have a functioning DVD / CD player, I will remove and replace it with a memory card reader, the goal is to make the memory card reader work.

* boot a computer connected to the internet from the flash drive

* install all pendrive extensions from the internet, including tc-install-GUI

Answer: When I manage to make the audio work (on vlc3 and firefox), finish selecting the extensions that work best on Tiny Core Plus, they should be the easiest to be used by me and the end / common user, I intend to make the the way you indicated in this post, in addition to the pendrive, I got an external HD to support the tests, so I have several participations in the forum, as I manage to evolve at each step I answer, explaining how I managed to make it work , my answer can certainly help other colleagues.

You can boot additional computers from the pendrive, install tinycore on those computers using tc-install and finally copy the additional pendrive extensions to the computers.

Answer: If all of this works out I intend to publish a tutorial with text in Brazilian Portuguese with photos and print screen of each step in order to help more people to use Tiny Core. If I am unable to publish on the forum, if you authorize me I can send you by email.

I don't know how my texts are being interpreted due to the translations, I hope you are understanding well.



Original text in English from Brazil, translated into English by Google Translate.



Sim, tem o arquivo de dependência opera-12.tcz.dep na pasta mnt/sda1/tec/opcional do Tiny Core Plus 32 bits.

Eu observei a extensão fontconfig sendo carregada automaticamente quando carreguei o opera-12 no Apps: Regular Applications (tcz).

Agradeço pelas sugestões, seguem os meus comentários:

* decida quais extensões você deseja instalar nos computadores

Resposta: Eu estou testando as extensões das aplicações que os computadores receberão, conforme as especificações de hardware, as extensões que todos terão: gerenciador de arquivos, visualizador de imagens, navegador de internet, libreoffice, gimp2, gravador de DVD, se for notebook o medidor de nível de bateria, todos precisam possuir o áudio funcionado tanto para o vlc3 quanto no firefox, por ser o navegador de internet mais atualizado e disponível para o Tiny Core Plus, quando eu estiver próximo de atingir o objetivo, acredito que eu terei que mudar o nome de cada máquina para utilizar em rede para compartilhar internet e/ou impressora quando houver, criando usuário e inserindo senha de administrador para cada máquina conectada na rede. Os computadores com melhor processador e com 2GB de memória RAM pretendo incluir audacity (editor de áudio) e o flowblade (editor de vídeo que você disponibilizou).

* instale o tinycore em um pendrive
Resposta: É via pendrive que estou fazendo os testes de instalação, alguns computadores não possuem um leitor de DVD/CD funcionado, eu irei retirar e substituir por leitor de cartão de memória, o objetivo é de fazer o leitor de cartão de memória funcionar .

* inicialize um computador conectado à internet a partir do pendrive

* instale todas as extensões do pendrive a partir da internet, incluindo tc-install-GUI

Resposta: Quando eu conseguir fazer funcionar o áudio (no vlc3 e no firefox), concluir a seleção das extensões que melhores funcionam no Tiny Core Plus, deverão ser os mais fáceis de serem utilizadas por mim e pelo usuário final / comum, pretendo fazer da forma que você me indicou neste post, além do pendrive, eu consegui um HD externo para apoiar nos testes, por isso estou com várias participações no fórum, conforme eu vou conseguindo evoluir a cada etapa eu respondo, explicando como foi que eu consegui fazer funcionar, certamente a minha resposta poderá ajudar outros colegas.

Você pode inicializar computadores adicionais a partir do pendrive, instalar tinycore nesses computadores usando o tc-install e finalmente copiar as extensões adicionais do pendrive para os computadores.

Resposta: Se tudo isso der certo eu pretendo publicar tutorial com texto em português do Brasil com fotos e print screen de cada etapas para poder ajudar mais pessoas a usar o Tiny Core. Se eu não conseguir publicar no fórum, se você me autorizar posso te enviar por e-mail.

Eu não sei como os meus textos estão sendo interpretados devido as traduções, eu espero que estejam compreendendo bem.



Offline neonix

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Re: Browser opera-12.tcz did not work on Tiny Core version 11.0 32-bit.
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2020, 04:23:06 PM »
Can I help in any way to prepare the updated Opera?

It is possible to prepare a complete extension, including all dependencies or auxiliary programs, to prepare it in a compressed file, for when the user is going to download this file, which could be a compressed file (.zip, or .tar, or. tar.gz, or .tar.bz2, or other), unzip in the appropriate location (directory) and later run on Tiny Core?

This type of process is much more friendly and easy for any user, Tiny Core would only need to start with a file manager similar to spacefm.tcz, for now this is the file manager that worked best in the tests I did, because the spacefm allows you to easily run other programs and still have access as a super user, root or sudo. Pcmanfm.tcz is apparently more beautiful, but I was unable to open the files (bootlocal.sh and .filetool) to edit using pcmanfm, even if I checked the option View, Show Hidden.

They could teach me how to prepare new extensions and / or update extensions, I am interested in learning, I want to be able to collaborate with the forum and the Tiny Core Linux project.

I am preparing tutorials with photos in Brazilian Portuguese to post on the forum, these are the results of the tests that I have been doing and successfully doing, thanks to the support that I have been having from you two and other colleagues.

Opera-12 is old browser but people with slow computers can still view some webpages using it.

In 64-bit TC10 and TC11 there's iridium-browser, opera-62, vivaldi, seamonkey and firefox-ESR.

If you want to create an extension here is a tutorial.

You can also write tutorial "how to create tcz extension with the newest browser" and the users will use it to create their own tcz extension.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 11:27:17 PM by Rich »