Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64
virt-manager error on startup
Hi Juanito
--- Quote from: Juanito on April 14, 2020, 10:11:16 AM ---Maybe you could try installing filewalld with pip3.6 first to see if it’s really needed?
--- End quote ---
Don't type so fast. You misspelled firewalld. :o
--- Quote from: Juanito on April 14, 2020, 10:11:16 AM ---Maybe you could try installing filewalld with pip3.6 first to see if it’s really needed?
--- End quote ---
firewalld is not included in pip3.6 packages:
--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ pip3.6 search firewall
dns-firewall (0.0.4) - Local DNS Firewall
cloudshell-firewall-core (1.0.8) - QualiSystems Firewall Python package
cloudshell-firewall-a10 (1.0.1) - QualiSystems firewall A10 specific package
cloudshell-firewall-fortinet (1.1.1) - QualiSystems firewall FortiNet specific package
firewall (0.2.0) - Punch a hole into an AWS EC2 security group temporarily
cloudshell-firewall-panos (1.0.0) - QualiSystems firewall Palo Alto PanOS specific Package
cloudshell-shell-firewall-standard (3.0.2) - QualiSystems Shells Firewall Standard Package
cloudshell-firewall-juniper-junos (1.0.3) - QualiSystems firewall Juniper JunOS specific Package
cloudshell-firewall-cisco-asa (3.0.5) - QualiSystems firewall Cisco ASA specific Package
cloudshell-firewall (3.0.3) - QualiSystems Python package
tornado-http-firewall (0.0.3) - Validation and Hosting daemon for scatter.online.
pyfluffy (0.0.12) - Fluffy - A Firewall as a Service
firelet (0.5.0a3) - Distributed firewall management
trackerfw (0.0.4) - TrackerFw - firewall for trackers
fwmacro (0.9.6) - Firewall macro compiler
orangengine (0.0.1) - Firewall Policy Automation Engine
django-firefence (0.1.0) - A firewall for your Django views.
fwunit (1.2.0) - Unit tests for firewall rules
nagato (0.6.0) - Bypass korean firewall(warning.or.kr)
hotcidr (0.1.0) - Firewall rule management and automation tools
teamvault (0.8.4) - Keep your passwords behind the firewall
djaodjin-rules (0.2.4) - HTTP proxy firewall Django App
iptdump (1b1.3) - describes firewall rules and dump it out
mcsf (0.0.6) - Port modification wrapper for ConfigServer Security&Firewall
mignis (0.9.5.post1) - Mignis is a semantic based tool for firewall configuration
DAXFi (1.1) - configure different kinds of firewalls in a consistent way.
zmqfirewall (0.1dev) - Object-based ZeroMQ message repeater/firewall
servicewall (0.4.2) - the desktop firewall that adapts to different network connections
wafw00f (2.1.0) - The Web Application Firewall Detection and Fingerprinting Toolkit.
waf-brain (1.0.0) - WAF-brain: the clever and efficient Firewall for the Web
shadowd (2.0.0) - Python connector for the Shadow Daemon web application firewall
rfw (0.2.2) - Remote firewall as a web service. REST API for iptables.
pyrewall (0.9.1.post1) - A Python tool / service for managing iptables firewalls with ease
MinistryOfPackages (0.9.5) - A minimal PyPI implementation meant for use behind a firewall.
saruman (0.3.0) - A firewall that leverage AMQP workqueue ! Build by iresam for iresam !
find2deny (0.2.10) - find Bot IPs in log file to firewall them
behvpn (2.3.2) - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
nbsocks (2.9.1) - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
shadowsocks-cui (3.0.0) - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
fwgen (0.19.0) - A simple management framework for ip(6)tables based firewalls
relay (0.0.8) - Meta-magical SSH tunnels for remote developers behind firewalls.
snmpfwd (0.4.4) - SNMP Proxy Forwarder can act as an application-level firewall
shadowsocks (2.8.2) - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
shadowsocks-valoroso (3.0.7) - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls
wlister (0.1.0) - Web application firewall designed to whitelist and/or blacklist HTTP requests.
myremotedump (0.1.0) - Dumps a firewalled MySQL database via a ssh tunnel to the remote system
acl-stats (0.1.3) - Quickly gather access-lists stats from Cisco ASA Firewalls
firval (1.2.1) - a netfilter firewall rules generator designed designed to be easy to read, write and maintain
enuma-elish (0.0.4) - A fast tunnel proxy extension from ss ,which help you get through firewalls
blocklistsaggregator (0.5.1) - A Python tool that downloads IP block lists from various sources and builds configurations for network
equipments and firewalls.
check_paloalto (0.3.2) - check_paloalto is a Nagios/Icinga plugin for Palo Alto Next Generation Firewalls. It is written in Python and
based on the PA REST API.
openSeSSHIAMe (0.1.0) - openSeSSHIAMe allows SSH access to an instance behind the great AWS firewall (security group for the instance)
for authorized IAM users from their current location.
shadowsocks-py (2.9.1) - A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls, the original pypi source is not maintained since
version 2.8.2, this is a newly maintained pypi source by SilverLining.
portube (0.0.1) - Software-implemented port forwarding, transparent proxy, which can bypass firewalls in specific cases where the
host restricts the inbound rules but does not restrict the outbound rules
--- End code ---
If you (or anyone else) don't want to create a firewalld.tcz package it is ok for me, but please be patient, I need to get virt-manager working and I'm trying to solve as many problems as I can by myself, BUT I'm not a technician, so my skills are a bit limited...
firewalld posted, but not fully tested.
There risk to be several hard-coded locations and/or obscure python run-time deps I didn't find.
It's been a while... first of all, thank you Juanito for posting firewalld.tcz, it seems to work just fine.
Now when I start virt-manager it detects the firewall correctly, but there is another issue:
--- Code: ---libvirt.libvirtError: Cannot check dnsmasq binary dnsmasq: No such file or directory
--- End code ---
By searching around for this error, I found that the solution would be to recompile virt-manager with the "--with-dnsmasq-path" option
I'm not sure how to recompile it :-/
Did you load the dnsmasq extension? If so, maybe a symlink /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -> /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq might help?
See here for compilation notes:
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