I was the original downstream maintainer of lxterminal. I am unable to get any good graphics on framebuffer xsessions so am forced to load Xorg-7.7. I have a done a private update of lxterminal and as per image....wide space font IMHO is resolved
2) What is not resolved is lxterminal does not display window decorations on fluxbox and even worse...clicking on the pulldown for preferences in fluxbox....that new window goes behind the terminal and can not be interacted with.
I may request that lxterminal be removed from the repo for 11.1 and no longer wish to maintain it
if you are interested in still maintaining it.....can cope with Xorg and maybe some nicer WM
send me a pm and I can pm you my newer build script.
I have no problem if you don't ....and others read this....that they become the maintainer.
OFFTOPIC I have updated another gtk3 terminal called sakura and plan to submit that all factors being equal
for anyone interested here is newer lxterminal on 64 bit 11.1 with less errors than OP and IMHO better font display