You might get a better result with a more recent version of qemu.
I'll take that advice.
Made an upgrade to qemu 4.2.0 and a brand-new 5.6.3 GNU/Linux kernel.
Retested the piCore appliances.
1. TC5
Got full funtionality, except screen resize. No VESA (x86 only, ie xvesa

Maybe someone can figure that out, as it is all too small on the screen.
Set tce-home from command line after mounting the usb drives.
Using boot parameters broke internet.
SSH works. Install from repo.
No ssl in browsers from repo. HTTP only.
# bmarkus' machine
# added paths - convenience over portablity
# for alsa audio, feks
qemu-system-arm \
-cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M versatilepb \
-kernel $HOME/piCore/tc5/piCore-140513-QEMU \
-initrd $HOME/piCore/tc5/piCore-140519-QEMU.gz \
-append "root=/dev/ram0 elevator=deadline rootwait quiet nortc vga=791" \
-serial stdio \
-hda $HOME/piCore/tc5/tcdisk.qcow2 \
# $@ allows passing more options to qemu via command arguments
piCore TC5 after bmarkus
2. TC9
Both bmarkus' and modified give similar results.
qemu-system-arm \
-M raspi2 -m 1G \
-kernel $HOME/piCore/tc9/kernel4922v7.img -initrd $HOME/piCore/tc9/9.0.3v7.gz \
-append "elevator=deadline rootwait quiet nortc dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 \
root=/dev/ram0 console=ttyAMA0i vga=791 SNPSID=0x45F42XXX" \
-dtb $HOME/piCore/tc9/bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb \
-drive file=$HOME/piCore/tc9/piCore-9.0.3.img,format=raw,if=sd,id=os-img \
-serial stdio \
-smp 4 \
# these both vesions OK
-drive file=$HOME/piCore/tc9/piCore-9.0.3.img,format=raw,if=sd,id=os-img \
-device sd-card,drive=os-img \
-drive file=$HOME/piCore/tc9/piCore-9.0.3.img,format=raw,if=none,id=os-img \
Modified piCore-qemu after bmarkus
Tried with -append nosmp removes msgs, but just hangs.
Got past errors with a fake SNPSID.
SNPSID register contents. The value
should be
* 0x45F42XXX, which corresponds to "OT2", as in "OTG
version 2.XX". Ethernet on the Pi 3 B+ is gigabit ethernet over USB 2.0
The Pis 2 and 3 used the SMSC LAN9514 chip, a USB 2.0 and 10/100 ethernet chip,
whereas the Pi 3 B+ uses a Microchip LAN7515 chip, theoretically capable of gigabit speeds,
although limited by the speed of the USB 2.0 bus over which it runs to the SoC.
Adding SNPSID makes error messages go, but still no inet.
[ 2.694584] dwc_otg 3f980000.usb: Bad value for SNPSID: 0x00000000
[ 2.748919] bcm2835_vchiq 3f00b840.vchiq: failed to set channelbase
[ 3.380396] bcm2835-clk 3f101000.cprman: plla: couldn't lock PLL
Qemu TC screen, see the usb failing at boot (dwc_otg).
It seems to be testing that it is connected to a real usb2.x controler.
Can this test not be removed from piCore?
I can boot archlinux arm64 for raspberry pi3/4. Persistence and internet works as expected.
Perhaps qemu-system-aarm64 differs from 32 bit version?
Restoring backup files from /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/mydata.tgz \
Setting hostname to box Done.
box login: login[588]: root login on 'tty1'
( '>')
/) TC (\ Core is distributed with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
tc@TestBox:~$ tce-load -iw TC
Downloading: TC.tcz
wget: bad address ''
md5sum: TC.tcz.md5.txt: No such file or directory
Error on TC.tcz
tc@TestBox:~$ sudo poweroff
Syncing all filesystems.
Disabling swap space.
Killing all processes.
Terminating all processes.
Unmounting all filesystems.
Shutdown in progress.
The system is going down NOW!
Sent SIGTERM to all processes
Sent SIGKILL to all processes
Requesting system poweroff
[ 68.643534] reboot: Power down
[ 89.953266] INFO: rcu_sched detected stalls on CPUs/tasks:
[ 89.956516] 1-O..: (2 GPs behind) idle=7a1/1/0 softirq=2411/2411 fqs=0
[ 89.959486] 2-O..: (2 GPs behind) idle=79f/1/0 softirq=2421/2423 fqs=0
[ 89.961929] 3-O..: (0 ticks this GP) idle=515/1/0 softirq=2398/2398 fqs=0
[ 89.964134] (detected by 0, t=2132 jiffies, g=1355, c=1354, q=0)
[ 89.967486] rcu_sched kthread starved for 2132 jiffies! g1355 c1354 f0x0 RCU_GP_WAIT_FQS(3) ->state=0x1
Sample output
Persistence test: see hostname.
Had to "hard off" from qemu or host terminal.
Can only interact with exported tty, not via qemu TC window, just as with the arch appliance.
Much of this trouble seems to stem from wrong/non-standard usb drivers and handling.
The rpis run a chip "theoretically capable of gigabit speeds" through the usb2 bus to the Soc.
A bit of a choke point.
3. Unable to boot on raspi3 qemu machine. Suspect usb dwc_otg again.