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TCL wiki is down

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Hm, the quick search box does seem to give weird results. Using the advanced search works ok.

Hi GNUser

--- Quote from: GNUser on April 01, 2020, 12:39:14 PM ---Hmm, now when I search the forum for "wiki" I find the posts in this thread but nothing else. I guess I have no clue how the forum's search function works. ...
--- End quote ---
If you use the search box at the top right corner of this page I think it only searches this sub-forum, or maybe just this thread. That's
about as useful as Googles  I'm Feeling Lucky  search option.


--- Quote from: Rich on April 01, 2020, 12:48:23 PM ---That's about as useful as Googles  I'm Feeling Lucky  search option.

--- End quote ---
Haha, indeed ;D

Yep, so either I only get this thread's hits or, if I go through "Advanced search", I only get up to Aug 9, 2019.
It seems the search algorithm needs some attention. I'd be happy to help tweak and/or test.

Hi GNUser
Maybe the current algorithm can't count past 2019. ::)

alternative site:


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