Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs
Regression in kernel 5.4 leads to inaccessible nvme storage
In the past weeks, I grew fond of TCL. However, the current kernel seems to suffer regression https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=205679 and I cannot access the nvme storage in modern systems. Can TCL switch to a more recent kernel or would I compile the kernel myself?
Kind Regards
You can build a custom kernel fairly easily. The patch at http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/linux-nvme/2019-December/028243.html seems to only affect a builtin file, so if you build our 5.4.3 version just with that patch, you don't have to build the modules, ours will work. Then you'd replace our vmlinuz with yours.
Some specific vendor's drives being standard incompliant is not really a big enough issue for TC to update the kernel mid-release, though. Especially as it's nvme, not very many TC users with such hw I think.
--- Quote from: curaga on March 17, 2020, 02:25:30 PM ---You can build a custom kernel fairly easily. The patch at http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/linux-nvme/2019-December/028243.html seems to only affect a builtin file, so if you build our 5.4.3 version just with that patch, you don't have to build the modules, ours will work.
--- End quote ---
Good idea. After reading http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:custom_kernel I managed to integrate the patch and build http://tinycorelinux.net/11.x/x86/release/src/kernel/linux-5.4.3-patched.txz. I somehow managed to end up with the i686 binary although the host I compiled on is amd64. Working fine with the official modules.
I forgot: In case any one else stumbles upon this issue but does not want to build the kernel, I uploaded my build here: https://ssl.hehoe.de/zeug/TinyCoreLinux/
[EDIT]: Link modified due to forum policy violation. Rich
Hi hoehermann
--- Quote ---2. No attachments/links of binary extensions
--- End quote ---
Found here:
You may not post direct links to binaries. I modified your post to point to your site so individuals can go there and fetch
it themselves if they so wish.
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