Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

TC 11 Pale Moon browser not playing videos

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Although in general the TC 11 version of the Pale Moon browser appears to work correctly, I am unable to play videos with it. The message "Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available" is displayed.

The info for palemoon.tcz states "Requires ffmpeg for h.264 playback". In TC 10.x (where Pale Moon could play videos) ffmpeg.tcz is a separate extension from ffmpeg3.tcz. I assume it was the 10.x ffmpeg3.tcz extension that was upgraded to ffmpeg4.tcz in 11.0. Maybe 10.x ffmpeg.tcz needs to be upgraded for 11.0 also? Just a guess, unfortunately I didn't save my 10.x setup and so can't see what I actually had loaded. Doh...

palemoon will play webm videos without sound, but not h264 - a recent version of firefox will play the same webm/h264 videos with sound

tc-10.x had ffmpeg-1.x and ffmpeg-3.x. tc-11.x has ffmpeg-4.x. In addition tc-11.x has a more recent version of pulseaudio.

Starting palemoon from the cli does not give any error messages when trying to play videos, which makes it difficult to troubleshoot.

palemoon does not look like it was built on tinycore and it might be pre-compiled - I suggest that you pm the maintainer for an update.

Hi Juanito

--- Quote from: Juanito on March 01, 2020, 12:52:25 AM --- ... a recent version of firefox will play the same webm/h264 videos with sound ...
--- End quote ---
I don't know if this helps, but on my copy of Firefox, clicking  Tools->Add-ons  lists this:

--- Quote ---OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc. 1.6

This plugin is automatically installed by Mozilla to comply with the WebRTC specification and to enable WebRTC calls with devices that require the H.264 video codec. Visit http://www.openh264.org/ to view the codec source code and learn more about the implementation.
--- End quote ---


When used with gst-libav (which uses ffmpeg4), epiphany will play h264, but not h265.

I guess the codecs have been updated such that backwards compatibilty has been broken.

OpenH264 is only for WebRTC. It's not used for videos.


--- Quote ---Note: Firefox currently uses OpenH264 only for WebRTC and not for the <video> tag, because OpenH264 does not yet support the high profile format frequently used for streaming video. We will reconsider this once support has been added.

--- End quote ---


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