Tiny Core Base > Micro Core
NTFS not mounting as rw on boot
It worked!!
I did as you described in the your last post (with a minor change, I switched to 11.x release) and it worked flawlessly. Then, I repeated same steps, but this time I did not merge core.gz with ntfs-3g-gz. Instead I used both gz files as initrd in Grub2 and it also worked:
--- Code: ---initrd /TC/core.gz /TC/ntfs-3g.gz
--- End code ---
My mistake was trying to pack ntfs-3g.tcz inside ntfs-3g.gz, instead of repacking ntfs-3g.tcz as ntfs-3g.gz. I read so many posts and tried so many things that now I feel a bit dumb for not seeing such an easy solution. Anyway, it was not wasted time. On the contrary, it was a great crash course into the possibilities of this amazing little tool.
Many thanks to you, Rich, and to developers and the community that make Tiny Core possible!
Hi Ares
--- Quote from: Ares on February 20, 2020, 12:24:18 PM ---It worked!! ...
--- End quote ---
Thank you for confirming it worked.
--- Quote ---I read so many posts and tried so many things that now I feel a bit dumb for not seeing such an easy solution.
--- End quote ---
The various steps can seem overwhelming if you are not familiar with the process. This is especially true it the writeup assumes
prior knowledge by the reader or is just not concise.
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