Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Tiny Core v11.0

<< < (6/11) > >>

Hi rhermsen

--- Quote from: rhermsen on March 17, 2020, 06:53:31 PM --- ... I'm also missing ipv6-5.4.3-tinycore.tcz for IPv6 support.
--- End quote ---
It was merged with  netfilter  and is now called:
If you're running 64 bit it's

Such a RAM need increase is unexpected, but the upstream kernel doesn't care that much about such low RAM amounts, so it's possible. There is no external increase - the initrd only grew about the usual amount - so it's very likely a kernel behavior change.

Thank you both for the replies.

@Rich see indeed both extensions (running the 32bit version of TCL).

If you'd like to do a bisect and report the RAM regression to the kernel bugzilla, please do. I think it's quite possible nobody has noticed it yet.

edit: And the 64-bit kernel is available on the 32-bit edition, for running with large RAM machines, etc.

putty doesn't work in version 11


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