Attached is a script that downloads version 1.1 of the FoxitReader .deb file, repackages it into a .tcz , and creates the dependency
file. The dependencies are libcups.tcz and gtk2.tcz , so make sure they are installed. Download the script and then:
chmod 775 GetFoxitReader
cp FoxitReader/* /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional
echo "FoxitReader.tcz" >> /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst
rm -rf FoxitReader
tce-load -i FoxitReader
You should see an icon appear on the wbar. FoxitReader is my PDF viewer of choice. I've been running this version for years. The
resulting extension is 4 Megabytes in size.
[EDIT]: Fixed typo. Changed onboot.llst to onboot.lst. Rich