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Segmentation fault

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Seem that You will need to take a closer look on the sources, including the make files. Try to compare, where include files are expected to be located, and their actual location.
And I see function wprintfw, which is wide-char version of wprintf, so You need ncursesw instead of ncurses.

Hi asi3brg
You should have  ncursesw-dev.tcz  (NOT  ncurses-dev.tcz)  installed. The headers are under  /usr/local/include/ncursesw/  so your
source file needs something like:

--- Code: ---#include <ncursesw/ncurses.h>
--- End code ---

I apologize for the late feedback, however, although it is a basic error, it can always help any beginner in a setup of this type where a shared library is called by a sw main. The problem was related to the permissions of this shared library, solved with the command chmod 755.


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