Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Configure LILO to boot Tiny Core Plus

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Hello everybody.

I just installed Tiny Core Plus on a partition on my hard drive - sda1 to be more precise. I have Debian installed on another partition - sda3. I need to edit my /etc/lilo.conf file (viewed from Debian) to be able to boot Tiny Core. Here is how it looks now:

--- Code: ---# /etc/lilo.conf
# Generated by me (Luiz Netto)
# Global options
#boot = /dev/sda
boot = /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD800BEVS-22RST0_WD-WXE108X13461
verbose = 5
map = /boot/map
install = menu
menu-scheme = Wb:Yr:Wb:Wb
timeout = 18000
vga = normal

# Kernels to boot, available on the menu:

# Debian
root = /dev/sda3
image = /boot/vmlinuz-4.19.0-5-686
initrd = /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-5-686
label = "Debian"

--- End code ---

I thought all I had to do is this:

--- Code: ---# /etc/lilo.conf
# Generated by me (Luiz Netto)
# Global options
#boot = /dev/sda
boot = /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD800BEVS-22RST0_WD-WXE108X13461
verbose = 5
map = /boot/map
install = menu
menu-scheme = Wb:Yr:Wb:Wb
timeout = 18000
vga = normal

# Kernels to boot, available on the menu:

# Debian
root = /dev/sda3
image = /boot/vmlinuz-4.19.0-5-686
initrd = /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-5-686
label = "Debian"

# Tiny Core
root = /dev/sda1
image = /tce/boot/vmlinuz
initrd = /tce/boot/core.gz
label = "Tiny Core Plus"

--- End code ---
But it doesn't work, when I try to update the MBR by typing /sbin/lilo as root, I get a message 'vmlinuz : file not found'. What is the right way to do it?

Your help is deeply appreciated.

Len E.:
Hi Luiz:

I'm hoping to follow in your footsteps on this, so I have some ideas that
might help.
I'm assuming that you had Debian installed first, before Tiny Core Plus, with its
grub bootloader installed to the mbr.

When you boot up the machine, I believe what appears immediately is a boot
list with something like the following:
Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 4.9.0-11-686 (systemd) on /dev/sda3
Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 4.9.0-11-686 (recovery mode) on /dev/sda3
(1 or 2 memory test options)

Debian uses grub2, which allegedly is capable of chaining to any other distro
installed in other partitions on the hard drive.

Therefore, if all of the above is true, in Debian, from a terminal session,
enter              sudo update-grub

The screen output will show the Debian configuration file being regenerated, and
hopefully CorePlus added to the boot list.   If CorePlus does appear, reboot,
and CorePlus should be selectable.
If none of the above works,   an external boot loader may help diagnose what is wrong.
Super Grub version 2.02 or Plop can be installed to a CD or a flash drive, booted up,
and allow selection of a hard drive partition.   ( Super Grub can access any partition,
Plop only the 1st 3 partitions on the hard drive.)    In particular, if your lilo, conf  file is
constructed properly,  CorePlus should boot up o.k. in this way.

Some of my past experience:      I've installed CorePlus 10.1 and earlier versions in
a partition with the Grub legacy 0.997 boot loader installed.    With either Debian
or a Ubuntu derivative installed with grub2 to the mbr,  the boot list generated with
the sudo update-grub command would never pick up CorePlus.    CorePlus would
come up just fine from both Super Grub version 2.02 or Plop.

In the same manner, I've installed various Puppy Linux versions to other partitions.
Puppy Linux uses Grub legacy 0.997 also.   The sudo update-command  always
picked them up, adding them to the boot list.   I'm still puzzled as to why Puppy
Linux is picked up and CorePlus is not.

Hope something works for you !!

Len E.

Len E.:
Hi Luiz:    I did some subject work on my test machine which wasn't successful,
                 but a few things I encountered might be useful information for you.

(I've attached my lilo.conf  file).
My test machine has Bodhi-4.4.0, a Ubuntu derivative, controlling
the mbr, residing in sda1.   My CorePlus installations were in sda3,
sda8 is the swap space.    I retrieved lilo-static.tcz from the version 4
Tiny Core archive and used it for lilo.

My initial attempt was with CorePlus-11.0, but when executing lilo,
the error message came up, "setup length exceeds 31 maximum",
which apparently means that the linux image is too large, more than 31

I then used CorePlus-10.1 to test, and it revealed an apparent error
in my linux.conf.   The error message was  "create /boot/boot.0803
no such file or directory".    It needed a directory /boot,  which
CorePlus doesn't have, so I created one,
         cd /
         sudo mkdir boot

lilo then executed successfully.
I then immediately rebooted to Bodhi-4.4.0 and ran "sudo update-grub",
but CorePlus did not appear on the boot list.

I booted up the SuperGrub v2.02 cd, selected sda3, and the LILO v 22.8
initial screen prompted for the password, which I had set simply as    linux.

The bootup started,  but a kernel panic occurred,  with messages about
not being able to  init   properly.
With my very-limited knowledge of  LILO,  I've gone about as far as I can go.

Hope this is of some help  !
Len E.

Len E.:
Hi Luiz:        some   progress:

(My revised lilo.conf file is attached).

I eliminated the kernel panic problem by adding an
initrd statement to lilo.conf.

CorePlus now boots up fine, but only from an external bootloader.
Both super grub v.2.02 and plop worked in that regard.

The "sudo update-grub" command on Bodhi won't pick up the
CorePlus partition.

Len E.

Can't you manually edit the grub config?


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