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Author Topic: a notice for the develop team of Tinycore to support XEN in TC "from scratch"  (Read 2867 times)

Offline halma

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Hi Tinycore dev team,

after sometime working more and more with XEN i found out that the common console for XEN is hvc0! So far till the latest release of Tinycore there is no XEN console support build in, the Kernel Options are not enough. I run earlier into this "problem"  also you can read here. So it would be nice if you can add the XEN console also to the /etc/inittab "from scratch(build in support)" so unexperienced users can easily use TinycoreLinux under Xen without doing mutch preparation before they are able to use TinycoreLinux.

Thanks for your time.
Best Regards
1 + 2 = 6  cause  10 - 6 = 78 ;-) lol

Offline curaga

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This would cause unnecessary cpu usage on non-Xen, so it would harm more users than it would help.

On non-Xen, /dev/hvc0 does not exist, but init would keep trying to start getty there, failing each time. So it's better for Xen users to remaster.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.