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Author Topic: thumbnails not working in xfe  (Read 2055 times)

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thumbnails not working in xfe
« on: January 03, 2020, 12:55:24 PM »
Sorry to bother you guys yet again :-[

I run Pure64 10.1 with fluxbox and xfe file manager on my laptop. Thumbnails are enabled in xfe (there is a checkmark under Panel -> Thumbnails). However, there are no thumbnails. I'm specifically interested in seeing thumbnails of image files (e.g., jpeg files). Alas, I have no idea what backend xfe uses to create/request thumbnails.

What I've tried:
1. I tried loading several extensions that contain "thumbnailer" somewhere in file names (totem.tcz, gdk-pixbuf2.tcz, librsvg.tcz, libgsf.tcz), but it made no difference.

2. Arch Linux wiki says tumbler is required (see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/File_manager_functionality#Thumbnail_previews), but I tested xfe in Devuan and thumbnails show up even though tumbler is not installed. I'd try tumbler in TCL but cannot find it in the Pure64 repository.

3. I've contacted the xfe developer, but have not heard back.

Any ideas how to enable the image file thumbnails in xfe?
« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 01:03:24 PM by GNUser »

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Re: thumbnails not working in xfe
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2020, 03:57:05 PM »
Pure64's fox.tcz is the culprit. When I swapped TCL's fox for Devuan's fox, problem goes away.

Since I'm the one who contributed fox.tcz to begin with, I have nobody to blame but myself ;)

I will try to recompile fox on TCL with more "enable" flags at the configure step.

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Re: thumbnails not working in xfe
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2020, 04:21:24 PM »
I cheated and took a look at the  --with-*  and  --enable-*  configure flags that Debian uses. When I compiled fox in TCL using the same configure flags, the problem went away.

Corrected fox.tcz extension has been submitted.

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Re: thumbnails not working in xfe
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2020, 10:10:01 AM »
juanito - While recompiling fox for Pure64 10.x I also fixed some errors in fox.tcz.dep and xfe.tcz.dep. I submitted the corrected .dep files to tcesubmit at gmail dot com.