General TC > Programming & Scripting - Unofficial

flPicSee Picture View 0.9.2... now with multi-image paging!

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Could it be the window mananger that you are using is swallowing the alt-keys?

roberts: I'm just using the default in TC 2.0, JWM.  I tried FLWM in a release candidate version, but if I remember correctly, I have only used JWM since I installed the full 2.0 release.

By the way, I may try to work on a "set image as background" feature soon.  What would flPicSee need to do that? (Or what scripts/code should I look through to learn how?)  Would the method change from TC 2.0 to 2.1 and/or 2.2?

Some alt-keys are swallowed by jwm see .jwmrc-keys.

As for the wallpaper feature, see the wallpaper fltk project,
and look at the various window manager setbackground scripts, e.g., jwm_setbackground, flwm_setbackground, ...

It would be great to not to have to have the current wallpaper gui, and both xsetroot for solid colors and esetroot for images.

Another idea, is to grab the source for jwm and see how the background is set there, as neither xsetroot nor Esetroot is required.

With window manager agnostic being a goal of TC, I am going to simplify and support only ~/.setbackground as called from .xsession.

That should also make it easy to call from wallpaper and/or your new offering.


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