Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 11.0 Alpha 1 Testing
CCP Crypto
Seen briefly at start of boot:
--- Code: ---ccp_crypto: Cannot load: there are no available CCPs
--- End code ---
Not sure if that affects me or not.
AMD Cryptographic Coprocessor (CCP) crypto API support. Message comes from ccp-crypto-main.c. I have the error too. Doesn't seem to be a deal breaker, and my CPU is "only" six years old.
Yep seems benign for my hardware.
I thought something like this would show up in /var/log/messages, but I have no messages file there.
I'll research to see if I can force the messages logfile..
Hi PDP-8
--- Quote from: PDP-8 on January 02, 2020, 08:16:48 PM --- ... I thought something like this would show up in /var/log/messages, but I have no messages file there. ...
--- End quote ---
--- Code: ---dmesg | less -I
--- End code ---
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--- Quote --- ... I'll research to see if I can force the messages logfile.. ...
--- End quote ---
Add the syslog boot code to get a messages file.
Noting that ccp message as a potential patch target, we have a couple similar cosmetic patches already downgrading errors to warnings that we believe were misclassified. Not important enough for this release though.
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