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dnsmasq's DHCP server not exerting enough control over leases
Hi GNUser
--- Quote from: GNUser on December 27, 2019, 08:22:06 PM --- ... I thought that if a device is connected and its lease expires, then DHCP server would renegotiate a lease (preferably one for the same IP address). ...
--- End quote ---
The fact that the laptop gets suspended may be coming into play. The DHCP server can't renegotiate a lease with a laptop that
won't answer.
Rich, I think you're absolutely right. The server probably does attempt to renegotiate a lease, but the attempt fails if laptop happens to be suspended at the time.
I created a shell script to run when her laptop resumes from suspend, /etc/pm/sleep.d/dhcp-renegotiate
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
if [ "$1" = "resume" ]; then
dhclient -r
dhclient wlan0
--- End code ---
This seems to do the trick.
(I'm still alarmed that my router does not force a renegotiation when it detects a device with no lease or expired lease, but I'll let that go for now.)
Thanks, Rich!
you're thinking of it the wrong way around.
the *client* has to renegotiate, not the server.
also, the *client* has to check if some given IP is already taken, regardless what the server says.
this is not a safety feature, it is assumed the clients will behave.
Thanks, hiro. That's very helpful.
It seems the client makes most of the decisions, server mainly provides information that the client requests. I thought it worked the other way around, no wonder I was surprised.
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