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........CPU computer performance



The  Laptop here seems to be able to take astonishing amounts of concurrent usage.

There  are many many many multiple apps open  (Camera's  ,,,numerous  video 360 degree feeds

several instances of Google  earth.........and several other very very heavy web sites

multiple  web browsers  that have many many multiples of tabs and running.

There are a giant list of apps in the Task man.

so it must be the CPU chip and 4gb ram.......

the OS sees it as FOUR  concurrent  thread.  (2  physical CPU cores).....and they all are  hyperthreaded
and have bursts up to 3.3 ghz......

sometimes i run  things  in RAM drives also. 

There is also an accelerator tool  for the CPU..........while it's free and didn't stipulate  conformity
with this specific CPU  here.....(it  seems to help with memory management)

....was interested in looking at  WINE  here..........and  also some other  powerful APPS.

what the above means......  i couldn't  Topple the computer over........with my user habits.


The computer has a GPU.........somehow maybe this is taking the payload? CPU accelerator  has the option to relieve the graphic  card by  using  the  GPU    (well it's the other way around actually.......though  somehow maybe interdepndant.)

anyhow....i can recommend Intel  chips (at certain good price points) can get i7  chips
for maybe  a small 10 dollars.




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