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Author Topic: Registration problems? Use gmail!  (Read 749 times)

Offline Stefann

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Registration problems? Use gmail!
« on: July 30, 2024, 02:44:02 PM »
Yes I’m a new member.
It took me about 6 weeks to registrate.
Registration worked succesfull but I did not succeed to receive activation mail.
After a lot of searching I did find on Reddit that this already an issue for over 3 years!!
Also found that about 2 years ago someone succeeded to registrate by whitelisting the tinycore mailserver.
I tried whitelisting as I indeed have a custom email domain, but this did not work.

I however also noticed new members still show up here.

So… what I did…
I did registrate with the gmail address I never use for mail but that is still have because sometimes you cannot live without.

Bingo… registration mail received within a minute!

Can some of the mods mention this in the registration text or faq?
Something like:

It may happen that you donot receive the activation mail. This may be a result of your provider blocking mail from tinycore. Demonstrated solutions are:
- whitelist the tinycore mailserver
- use a gmail address for registration

Offline Paul_123

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Re: Registration problems? Use gmail!
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2024, 08:20:54 PM »
I watch the bounce/deferred emails, your specific email server, is timing out on smtp connections.  Most servers will respond as to why they won't allow a connection, yours is not saying a word.

Other than your email, the only ones currently bouncing are the fake email addresses the spammers are using.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2024, 08:09:23 AM by Paul_123 »

Offline Stefann

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Re: Registration problems? Use gmail!
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2024, 01:07:41 AM »
Thanks for looking into this,
This is a concern on my side and I will certainly give that attention. Please understand I’m not literally running a mailserver at home but I am hosted by a hosting company that runs the custom domain mailserver. Apart from this forum I never had/has a problem. The company of my son on the same hoster who processes about 1G of email per month also not.
Also… on Reddit r/tinycorelinux I did find reports of registration problems going back for over 3 years.
As said, I will look into this.
Mhh… I’m out for few days, will likely become weekend. But I expect I will need to check the raw data of the activation mail I succeeded to get by gmail and create ticket with the hoster to ask “why that bounced”.

Please understand, by no means I want to be offensive (certainly not on a first post)  the big things is…. “I really wanted to join, but I did experience a catch22”. It was very clear I could have asked for help once being a member but without being a member getting help is about impossible. The forum search function does not work when not being a member.

All together… I think the advice “try gmail” helps (the subject title will likely get picked up by Google towards people who are searching on this issue). Once I noticed that indeed people are still getting registrated and having read others having the issue related to email settings my thought was “let’s try the big big provider that I don’t like but that is probably used by those successful registrating people”.

Note, I’m actually very happy to join tinycore!
I have a homecontrol system from 2008 running on damn small Linux that I’m upgrading to tinycore. From Linux 2.4.31 to 6.6.8. Whopping!

« Last Edit: July 31, 2024, 01:19:14 AM by Stefann »

Offline Paul_123

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Re: Registration problems? Use gmail!
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2024, 06:47:43 AM »
No offense taken, and I did add a short statement on email verification on the registration agreement.

We did recently change servers, so reasons of the past may not necessarily apply.  Anyway, welcome to TC, and let us know if we can be of any assistance.