This is so cool however I just wish there was less guessing at each step..
I'm a newbie here and need a little guidance?
First created the blank file in the same directory as the deb file to be converted. next copied the script into it and named it deb2tc
opened a terminal window at this location and you guessed it: ERROR file not found
ok a ton of reading later and placed the script file in /bin
Error do not run as root..
ok who would have thought! oh well opened a terminal as user and all is well
so the first two hurdles "Filed not found" and "do not run as root"
next problem;
Error Install squashfs-tools-4.0 before proceeding

How can this be? I mean the extension was installed prior to running the script.
squashfs-tools-4.0 was installed as "On-Boot" and rebooted earlier.
If the ext is already installed why would I need to run install squashfs-tools-4.0 at the terminal? I don't get it and am getting tired of feeling around in the dark..
So anyone what 's missing please?